samedi 23 juin 2018

Pictures from Catalunya

Retirement of french physicians



Justificatifs pour les années d’études

Ma période d’études rémunérée (externat/internat) peut-elle être prise en compte ?

Les étudiants hospitaliers et les internes exerçant au sein d’établissements hospitaliers publics cotisent obligatoirement à l’Ircantec depuis le 01/11/1979.

Pour autant, vous pouvez demander la validation de ce type de périodes intervenues antérieurement au 01/11/1979, celles-ci n’ayant pas donné lieu à versement de cotisations au moment où elles ont été effectuées.

Cette démarche restant à votre initiative, vous pouvez demander au bureau des affaires médicales de votre employeur de l’époque de compléter l’imprimé :

Etat des services à valider

Pour des périodes d’activité exercées en qualité :
d’étudiants hospitaliers,
d’étudiants en médecine,
de stagiaires dans un service d’interne.

Votre employeur renseignera le montant de « l’indemnité perçue pour services rendus ».

Pour des périodes d’activité exercées en qualité :
d’étudiants hospitaliers faisant fonction d’interne,
d’internes en médecine, pharmacie et odontologie,
de résidents en médecine.

Votre employeur renseignera la rémunération globale brute à l’exclusion de toutes indemnités (gardes, astreintes, sujétion,…) et de tout avantage en nature.

A noter que ces périodes d’étude, effectuées au sein d’établissement privés peuvent être prise en compte dans les mêmes conditions, dès lors que ceux-ci étaient liés par convention à un établissement hospitalier public.

Vos états de services à valider ainsi complétés devront être joints à votre dossier de demande de retraite.

Dans le cadre de la validation de vos services passés, votre employeur et vous-même êtes tenus de verser les cotisations rétroactives. Le montant de ces cotisations est égal aux cotisations qui auraient été versées lors de la période où vous avez effectué ces services.



Visit a great place of medical research: Faustman's lab in MGH Boston Mass. USA


The cases illustrate the efficiency of this new model of care, where ATP consultations and a changed workflow may be an important part of the future integration of behavioral healthcare into the everyday workflow of the primary care setting. ATP adds to the suite of technologies available in the IPCMH and when implemented within an integrated system increases the suite of stepped care referral choices for PCPs when they wish to refer a patient for psychiatric assessment. We believe that there will be extensive changes to psychiatric work practices over the next decade, with psychiatrists increasingly working in team-based environments spreading their skills and expertise, and more frequently performing indirect consultations, such as the ATP consultations described here. This model would have positive impacts on the current workforce shortages the profession is facing, and will allow practicing psychiatrists to provide better care for larger populations of patients.

vendredi 22 juin 2018

Photons, endocrine system and cancers

Never forget the innocent people who succumbed to terrorist attacks in the USA and in Europe especially in France

In this case of a catastrophic event, the expression of national solidarity is one of the most obvious forms of solidarity. One can compare the choices of different administrations.

A significant number of alive victims and their related persons due to the 9/11 attack endure multiple difficulties still today.

Le festif de Muray dans sa forme la plus caractéristique

White House Pride under Obama administration: did it help minorities?

CRISPR saga and the great adventure of science

In this setting of research, freedom of migration doesn't raise any issues except about patents. Countries and governments should focus on the economic transition pulsed by scientific discoveries instead of restraining entrepreneurship and increasing welfare state. 

Government reports are useless: the case of Esteban about physical activity

This report on physical activity is nothing more than a very disappointing descriptive statistics on French people. 
The government should better put taxpayer money in prospective studies which will be published in peer-reviewed journals.

jeudi 21 juin 2018

mercredi 20 juin 2018

Insurers incentive patients and suppliers to spend more: where is it the craziest?

You cannot spend more on chemo or heart surgery or stents or hip prosthesis.
On the other hand, you can spend more and more on drugs for everything and on consultation for everything and on imaging especially expensive ones for everything you feel a little bit abnormal.

Insurance works very well for illness but it is deleterious for other issues which are common and don't need any medicine. Health is not brought by the so-called healthcare.

Banking without responsability in the EU

How can some EU banks continue to operate with more than 30% of non-performing loans? Banking in the EU is irresponsible and we saw it previously.

In a near future AI will be able to evaluate a scientific study

""The solution is really very simple. Eliminate all financial conflicts of interest in research. "
You mix up criticism of epidemiological studies with the problem of financial conflicts… It is an error of conception in your paper. Uncertainty linked to epidemiological studies is consubstantial with the data collected in those studies. Nothing to do with financial conflicts. For instance taxpayer money funded a lot of epidemiological studies about nutrition which are of poor value except for Harvard which detains the huge database… 
It is far preferable to rely on randomised control studies funded by private money. And one of the best changes in this field is open data."
This comment is a good analysis of the very deceptive trend in some circles of medical literature. Big pharma is not an enemy it is a big power and we have to deal with big powers every time we care for patients.
Those big powers are the government and its agencies, third payers and their interests, hospitals and inpatient care organisations, professional care organisations, lawyers...
Facing the issues raised by the conflicting interests of those big powers is unavoidable.

On another subject, I will comment later on assertions of this paper especially about the CABANA study.

Nuclear plants are safe and nuclear electricity production is environmentally healthy



Cette affirmation pose la question de la Constitution en France: Est ce l'obligation de s'affilier ou bien le monopole de la sécu?

lundi 18 juin 2018

GlyphosateGate not an end, another episode

The question is: do Judges have to rule such an issue?

“It is inherently misleading for a warning to state that a chemical is known to the state of California to cause cancer based on the finding of only one organization (International Agency for Research on Cancer—IARC—which only found that substance is probably carcinogenic), when apparently all other regulatory and governmental bodies have found the opposite, including EPA.”

dimanche 17 juin 2018
