samedi 23 avril 2022

This is catastrophic praise of passiveness in front of a pandemic... 

This is catastrophic praise of the passiveness in front of a pandemic... Just because actions against transmission could have side effects. It is a pity to twist rational rhetoric to accept a higher price in terms of the deaths of Covid-19.

vendredi 22 avril 2022

A must see to understand the Covid-19, cell penetration of the Sars-CoV-2 

mercredi 20 avril 2022

Le Sénat s'occupe du passe vaccinal mais pas de ce qui n'a pas du tout marché dans l'organisation de santé publique contre la pandémie

Impostor syndrome

People suffering from impostor syndrome doubt their skills and accomplishments, live in fear of being exposed as not worthy of their position, and even downplay their success, attributing it all to luck or good fortune. 

Are men oftener affected? Not apparently. It was oftenest described in highly professional women.

Warsaw Pact the mandatory alliance built by USSR to attack members at it pleases

The Warsaw Pact is the only military alliance in history to have been used only to attack other members of the pact.
Warsaw Pact was the mandatory membership built by USSR to attack members as it pleases, id est without pretext or threat. Similarly, COMECON was the mandatory membership into a trade organisation that benefitted to USSR.

Le Pacte de Varsovie est la seule alliance militaire, dans l'histoire, à n'avoir été utilisée que pour attaquer uniquement d'autres membres du pacte. Le Pacte de Varsovie était l'adhésion obligatoire construite par l'URSS pour attaquer les membres à sa guise, c'est-à-dire sans prétexte ni menace. De même, le COMECON était l'adhésion obligatoire à une organisation commerciale qui profitait à l'URSS.

3,5% a minority and a threshold in politics? 

It depends almost exclusively on the possibility to be present in institutions.

mardi 19 avril 2022

Bayes and probability reasoning   

Ski de rando à partir de l'hospice du grand saint Bernard, tourisme d'hiver
