samedi 31 mai 2014
Cancer update: Nature and Celgene offer a free outlook
One may also read with great interest the review on metastasis by Weinberg:
And now some disturbing facts about cancer research an new drugs
One may also read with great interest the review on metastasis by Weinberg:
And now some disturbing facts about cancer research an new drugs
mercredi 28 mai 2014
Traitement hormonal substitutif de la ménopause: groupes à risque et pharmacogénomique
Le THS augmente le risque de cancer du sein.
Les groupes à risque et les différents THS sont mal connus.
"Specifically, it is discussed that tailored HRT may be used without strong evidence of a deleterious effect after ovarian cancer, endometrial cancer, most other gynecological cancers, bowel cancer, melanoma, a family history of breast cancer, benign breast disease, in carriers of BRACA mutations, after breast cancer if adjuvant therapy is not being used, past thromboembolism, varicose veins, fibroids and past endometriosis. Relative contraindications are existing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease and breast cancer being treated with adjuvant therapies. Consultation with other carers and written consent are recommended in all these difficult circumstances, but no condition is an absolute contraindication to HRT if potential risk is understood, if HRT is effective in symptom control and if quality of remaining life is paramount."
Les groupes à risque et les différents THS sont mal connus.
"Specifically, it is discussed that tailored HRT may be used without strong evidence of a deleterious effect after ovarian cancer, endometrial cancer, most other gynecological cancers, bowel cancer, melanoma, a family history of breast cancer, benign breast disease, in carriers of BRACA mutations, after breast cancer if adjuvant therapy is not being used, past thromboembolism, varicose veins, fibroids and past endometriosis. Relative contraindications are existing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease and breast cancer being treated with adjuvant therapies. Consultation with other carers and written consent are recommended in all these difficult circumstances, but no condition is an absolute contraindication to HRT if potential risk is understood, if HRT is effective in symptom control and if quality of remaining life is paramount."
Hôpitaux publics: les mots trompeurs des médias sur des faits budgétaires avérés
Le journaliste du Quotidien du médecin appelle cela une stabilisation de la dette |
Les mauvais gestionnaires plombent les comptes publics:
Tableau n° 1 : évolution de la dette à moyen et long termes des EPS
en Md€
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
de la dette
9,8 10,9 12,0 13,5 15,9 18,9 21,9 24,2 26,5 29,3
10 % 11 % 10% 13 % 18 % 19 % 16 % 10 % 10 % 10 %
Source : direction générale des finances publiques et direction générale
de l’offre de soins
Une irresponsabilité financière qui ne correspond pas à une augmentation de la qualité à de l'investissement ou bien à de l'innovation.
Medical claims: are you sure that your lawyer is doing the best for you?
That's not only a question for doctors but also for patients.
lundi 26 mai 2014
dimanche 25 mai 2014
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