vendredi 6 juillet 2018

If everybody is a victim, who victimizes them?

The war of everyone against everyone is a leftist basic principle! Every minority is at war against people who are different due to alleged discrimination if you decide that politics has for aim egalitarianism!

La gauche est raciste mais contre les blancs

National socialism and the left

National socialism is a socialism!
National is an adjective.
For the achievement of socialism you need a breakdown of the civilisation, a rupture in a long historical process where freedom is at the core of the social machine. This at is what occurred in 1917 and 1938!

Marx et ses successeurs

dimanche 1 juillet 2018

Air pollution in Paris: the death toll is not known because of lack of scientific studies

Et pourtant la mortalité par pollution est élevée à Paris IdF

Gasmi, fraudes, inefficience à la sécu !

Hormesis and low dose radiation

"People in Ramsar, a city which lies on the coast of the Caspian Sea, receive annual doses as large as 260 mSv (13 times higher than the annual dose limit currently suggested for radiation workers by ICRP). Moreover, the indoor radon (222Rn) level in these areas reaches levels up to 31,000 Bq/m3 (more than 200 times higher than the action level suggested for radon by US EPA). In this study, all subjects were residents of Ramak, located in the high natural background radiation areas (HNBRAs) and Sadat Mahaleh (a nearby area with normal levels of background radiation) districts of Ramsar, Iran diagnosed with breast cancer (BC) (Stages I,II and III) aged 10-90 year. All of these patients were registered from March 21, 2004 till February 20, 2014, in the Razi hospital, Rasht, Iran and had breast-conserving surgery. Patients who had a mastectomy, Immunotherapy or chemotherapy treatment were excluded from the study. Factors such as ethnicity, diet, social and economic status were almost the same in these nonsmoker individuals. Dosimetry was carried out inside the patients’ houses both in HBRAs and NBRAs. Furthermore, indoor radon levels were measured by using CR‐39 dosimeters. Based on our inclusion and exclusion criteria, a total of 91 patients participated in this study (37 patients (40.7%) from HBRAs and 54 patients (59.3%) from nearby NBRAs. All BC patients were female and the mean ages of patients in HBRAs and NBRAs were 60.91±15.32 years (ranged 14- 84) and 55.37±20.11 years (ranged 16-90), respectively. Most of these BC patients were in stage II. The mean gamma dose rate for BC patients who lived in HNBR area (0.09±0.07 μSv h-1) was significantly higher (P<0 .0001="" 0.006="" 108.3="" 10="" 61.2="" 7.5="" 8.6="" a="" and="" area="" average="" bc="" bq="" br="" compared="" concentration="" data="" difference="" dysphagia="" erythema="" for="" from="" furthermore="" group.="" group="" groups="" h-1="" hbra="" hbras="" higher="" hnbr="" however="" in="" incidence="" kaplan-meier="" less="" lived="" m-3="" mean="" months="" moreover="" nalysis="" nbras="" nearby="" no="" observed="" of="" participated="" patients="" radiotherapy="" radon="" rate="" rates="" showed="" significant="" significantly="" statistically="" study="" survival="" test="" than="" that="" the="" there="" to="" two="" using="" v="" was="" were="" when="" who="" year="">

Transition vers l'énergie plus chère: les français paient pour les délires de Hulot et Macron

A turning point in biological research?

Time is not what you believe