samedi 2 mai 2015

The west

Should you wear blue tech lenses?

Personalized medecine

La situation actuelle en matière d'information médicale est tellement paradoxale que le patient ou le client d'un service a vraisemblablement du mal a s'y retrouver. Exemple la question des nouveaux médicaments et des essais cliniques.
Contrairement à ce qui est souvent affirmé les essais cliniques ne sont ni l'apanage d ela modernité ni de la médecine anglosaxonne.
"Louis' first study of the topic was of the use of bloodletting in pneumonia, selecting 77 patients with a very similar form of pneumonia. After determining the timing of onset, duration and frequency of death rates of the disease, Louis then analyzed the timing of the bloodletting as either early (1–4 days since the start of the illness) or late (5–9 days). Based on these patients, Louis found that those who were bled early recovered earlier than those bled late, but also died at greater rates. Based on his findings, Louis concluded bloodletting was only a valid use in the late stages of disease. The ultimate impact of Louis' studies on the practice of medicine is hard to evaluate, as the practice of bloodletting was already beginning to decline when he published his results".

Generation gap that planners had not taken in consideration: application in the health care system

Health data

lundi 27 avril 2015

The myth of efficient pubic spending

There is presently at considerable debate in from about pubic spending.
As france's government do spend more than 57% of the GDP economists asked the question of the amount of public spending. On the other hand but politicians answer that they have to increase the efficiency of public spending not to diminish it.
It's simply a fact it is impossible to have an efficient pubic spending above 57% of GDP.