vendredi 30 novembre 2012

La vie est plus compliquée à cause des femmes...

2013 Jan 22;280(1751):20122495. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2012.2495.

Adiposity, compared with masculinity, serves as a more valid cue to immunocompetence in human mate choice.


Department of Biology, Section of Ecology, University of Turku, , 20014 Turku, Finland, Department of Genetics, University of Pretoria, , Hatfield, 0028 Pretoria, South Africa, School of Psychology, University of Dundee, , Dundee DD1 4HN, UK, Institute of Systematic Biology, University of Daugavpils, , 540 Daugavpils, Latvia, Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences, University of Tartu, , 51014 Tartu, Estonia.


According to the 'good genes' hypothesis, females choose males based on traits that indicate the male's genetic quality in terms of disease resistance. The 'immunocompetence handicap hypothesis' proposed that secondary sexual traits serve as indicators of male genetic quality, because they indicate that males can contend with the immunosuppressive effects of testosterone. Masculinity is commonly assumed to serve as such a secondary sexual trait. Yet, women do not consistently prefer masculine looking men, nor is masculinity consistently related to health across studies. Here, we show that adiposity, but not masculinity, significantly mediates the relationship between a direct measure of immune response (hepatitis B antibody response) and attractiveness for both body and facial measurements. In addition, we show that circulating testosterone is more closely associated with adiposity than masculinity. These findings indicate that adiposity, compared with masculinity, serves as a more important cue to immunocompetence in female mate choice.
[PubMed - in process]

Vous voulez un plan de santé durable?

Lisez jusqau'au bout ce papier d'Atlantico!,0

mercredi 28 novembre 2012

L'économie et Mr Sapin

"Le premier mouvement c'est sauver des emplois le deuxième c'est créer des emplois"
Cette assertion qui est un défi à toutes les lois de l'économie enfonce la France dans la récession!
Sauver signifie subventionner avec de la dette des emplois inutiles, voués à disparaître ou déjà économiquement morts.
Créer c'est encore subventionner des emplois avec de la dette de la plus dangereuse façon car l'état et sa banque sont beaucoup moins performants dans les choix d'investissement que l'entrepreneur qui engage son épargne!
Mr Sapin est un très mauvais économiste idéologisé à la dépense publique, à l'étatisme et au socialisme!
Il est talonné par les étatistes bonapartistes à la Guaino ou Barnier et par les autres socialistes a la Borloo le Pen ou Mélenchon !
Une situation sans issue pour le pays autre que l'incident de crédit et la tutelle FESF/FMI!

IJ la CNAM laisse faire

Les IJ ont double en volume en dix ans!
Aucun assureur responsable ne financerait cette gabegie avec de la dette. L'état sécu oui!
Les IJ d'aujourd'hui sont payées par des prêteurs a qui on remet des titres de dette appelles OAT!

lundi 26 novembre 2012

The actual and most recent wide experiment of Keynes stimulus

Since 1974 a great economy decided to spend far more than the government tax. A recurrent continuous stimulus fed by public debt.
This country despite poor results and a continuous decrease of growth and jobs don't suppress stimulus and wait for the signaling of markets to curb its spending! Not a written signaling but a drastic increase of interest rates on bonds!
This country is not Greece it is France!

Les check up sont pure consommation de soins

Réfléchissez bien avant de faire un "check up" maladies...

General health checks did not reduce morbidity or mortality, neither overall nor for cardiovascular or cancer causes, although the number of new diagnoses was increased. Important harmful outcomes, such as the number of follow-up diagnostic procedures or short term psychological effects, were often not studied or reported and many trials had methodological problems. With the large number of participants and deaths included, the long follow-up periods used, and considering that cardiovascular and cancer mortality were not reduced, general health checks are unlikely to be beneficial.

The socalled health care system is oversized...;jsessionid=864267DDD4C61D4007106CE086EF4693.d01t01
