samedi 7 novembre 2015

La république: leit motiv de la parole politique mais synonyme de dette, laxisme et mensonge.

Soit nous passons au fédéralisme soit ce sera ni le PS ni LR au prochain coup

Il a certainement fallu plusieurs énarques pour mettre ses mots les uns à côté des autres sans leur donner de sens
Sans oublier Taubira:

Et pour ajouter au propos de Zemmour, quel coup de main la "droite" a donné aux socialistes!

Mutuelles ou assureurs complémentaires: l'autre nom de l'arnaque

I love US, they are able to have a critical appaisal after all even if data are coming from Europe

"In the world of interventional cardiology, drug-eluting stents really were the best thing since sliced bread."

It is so true...but there is more:

And also in cancer research:

mardi 3 novembre 2015

Life at the beginning

Après PISA l'anglais

Kazakh nomads did this...

A stat you cannot calculate in France due to the lack of open data

The main problem with Medicare right now is that the average person pays in taxes over their whole lifetime about $100,000, but the average person takes out about $350,000," said Sen. Rand Paul, MD (R-Ky.), an ophthalmologic surgeon. "We have this enormous mismatch because we have smaller and smaller families."

Arbitration or public justice?

dimanche 1 novembre 2015

Black Morano: Widad Kefti

Psychological scientific studies

Le progressisme dans l'enseignement et ses conséquences

"In 2009, Vanderbilt University’s Peabody Research Institute, in coordination with the Tennessee Department of Education’s Division of Curriculum and Instruction, initiated a rigorous, independent evaluation of the state’s Voluntary Prekindergarten program (TNVPK). TNVPK is a full‐day prekindergarten program for four‐year‐old children expected to enter kindergarten the following school year and whose family income qualified for free or reduced price lunch."
