vendredi 14 juin 2019

Robots: mixed impacts on society

MIT economist Daron Acemoglu blames this on what he calls “so-so” automation and technologies (pdf). Advances like automation should be a boom to productivity, but productivity growth has been sluggish for more than a decade. That, says Acemoglu, is because too often companies are automating jobs even when the machines are not more productive, because of the aforementioned tax distortions and a general enthusiasm for robots. So, you have a double whammy; not only are robots replacing workers, they’re not particularly adept at growing the economy.
The way out is to create new, productive tasks for the workers replaced by the automation. (That’s what has happened in the past). And that’s where AI could be useful. Examples are not that hard to imagine. For instance, if you free up healthcare workers, such as radiologists and nurses, from routine tasks, they could use AI systems to collect and analyze far more patient data, expanding their capabilities and giving them new ways to advise and treat patients. Acemoglu cites similar examples existing in education and manufacturing.
But, and this is key, Acemoglu warns that this won’t necessarily happen on its own (pdf). You can’t leave this up to the markets or the technologists. We need to deliberately pursue this goal.

Cancer treatment innovation

Homéopathie: le remboursement par un monopole d'état n'est pas l'état de la science

Light and cancer treatment: another mean of cell destruction which is the same rational than chemo

mardi 11 juin 2019

Obama versus Trump about jobs

Manufacturing Jobs Have Resumed Growing Under President Trump's Pro-Growth Policies

It is difficult to disagree on those results. Confidence, suppression of unnecessary regulations and lower taxes are the heart of Trump policies...

Greens are wrong: we need growth...

75th D'Day anniversary: the inspiring DJ Trump's commemoration speech

In this setting, the doubts emitted by Védrine or Raffarin two "has-been" French politicians on the reliance on our best ally the USA are insane.

Homéopathie dans la réforme et allopathie délirante dans le système de soins...

Le système de soins des pays développés nécessite un big bang.
Ce n'ets pas l'homéopathie qu'il faut dérembourser ce sont TOUS les médicaments sans bénéfice mesurable et pour ceux qui ont un bénéfice mesurable ceux qui sont prescrits au delà des conditions recommandées d'utilisation et en premier lieu la durée d'administration...

The road to extreme bureaucracy in healthcare

Les suites compliquées de la réforme du système de soins

Cet article a l’art de ne pas dévoiler les causes. Supprimer le numerus clausus sans autonomiser les universités est bien évidemment un petit plus mais seulement un petit.
Bigre 1100 salariés...

En gros cette réforme est assez bien inspirée. Elle a comme Sarkozy fait le pari du volontarisme et ce pari sera perdu à cause de l'extrême résistance du bunker social idéologisé au maximum qui s'appelle la sécu.
