vendredi 4 novembre 2016

Paradoxe en histoire: l'Afrique est une terre judéochrétienne

mardi 1 novembre 2016

Attention à l'Helicobacter

C'est évident : un certain nombre de Français ont contracté un Helicobacter Sarkozi
Il s'agit d'une bactérie qui file un ulcère  à l'estomac dès qu'on ne dit plus du mal de Sarko.
C'est pourquoi ils lisent sans arrêt des articles sur Sarkozy que ces derniers date de 30 ans ou des dernières 15 secondes.
L'industrie pharmaceutique prépare un vaccin car tous les antibiotiques sont inefficaces. Les différentes souches à l'origine de ce vaccin Multivalent comprennent du Helicobacter ôllandi et Helicobacter Jupi.

On ne sait pas si ceux qui sont infectés par le Helicobacter Sarkozi pourront guérir définitivement avec le vaccin Multivalent.

Il paraît que la vaccination serait obligatoire au motif qu'elle ne donne aucune complication.

Once human genome was decrypted scientists looked to build new ones from scratch

lundi 31 octobre 2016

The logic of scientific knowledge

"Normally, science advances by trial and error. When an experiment fails, researchers question assumptions, formulate new ideas and then design better studies."
1/ it is not normally but most frequently
2/ when there is no experiment there is no facts, an experiment should be redone to assess the robustness of results
3/ facts allow human action to be directed toward confident results but uncertainty is always present

4/ scientific researchers  developed methods to reduce uncertainty about interpretation of facts
5/ this uncertainty is easier to reduce in physics as for instance the probability of a bridge to fall down than in biology where individuals are genetically different and interact intensively with the milieu
6/ Science people are aware that theories paradigms and conceptions improved only by controversy and are submitted to falsifiability 

Une assurance de soins complémentaire du monopole qui explique clairement (c'est très difficile) ce que les autres cachent sous le tapis

dimanche 30 octobre 2016

Circulating tumour cells present genomic alterations which could be exploited as targets

Whole genomic copy number alterations in circulating tumor cells from men with abiraterone or enzalutamide resistant metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer: separation of those cells and then a complex genomic analysis, comparison  with white blood cells and identification of targets.

Circulating tumour cells present genomic alterations which could be exploited to treat

Whole genomic copy number alterations in circulating tumor cells from men with abiraterone or enzalutamide resistant metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer: separation of those cells and then a complex genomic analysis, comparison  with white blood cells and identification of targets.