jeudi 20 février 2020

Is Peer Review an obstacle to scientific research?

Peer review has a good ratio. It avoids the reader a ton of completely wrong or unuseful papers at the price of eliminating a few high-grade papers which will inevitably be published elsewhere.

Improving it could be to decrease the number of innovative papers which are eliminated.
No to relax the rules and at the same time allow the publication of poor-quality papers.

mardi 18 février 2020

Do you know light therapy?

Light therapy is based on the differential effects of different wavelengths

Color Wavelength
violet 380–450 nm
blue 450–495 nm
green 495–570 nm
yellow 570–590 nm
orange 590–620 nm
red 620–750 nm

lundi 17 février 2020

It is unclear why interest rates are trendingly decreasing since a long time

Other factors
It is true
One basic reason: there is less demand for money.
Money in the world is fiat money which value is instantaneously fixed by change markets and influenced on the medium-term by Central Banks policies.
Two causes: CB printed so much money since a long time and still more since the 2008 recession that the stock of dollars, yen and euros exceeds the needs of the economy.
The economy needs innovation for increasing productivity and it is more a problem of how to boost valuable innovation than finding money to boost the economy.

The consequence is that the mission of CBs which are presently focused on inflation, growth and jobs is probably non-sense in the setting of very low productivity gains. Whatever they do, the trend of deflation, rate of malinvestment will last.

dimanche 16 février 2020

Authoritarian and totalitarian regimes are in the same time left and right

Mila ne peut revenir dans le lycée où elle est scolarisée

C’est le véritable sens politique de cette affaire, les intellos dissertent mais le véritable triomphe des islamistes c’est que l’état ne peut pas assurer la sécurité de Mila dans un lycée