samedi 27 avril 2019
Pour une privatisation de maison France service
Macron devrait privatiser les maisons France service. Il n’y a pas de raison de privatiser aéroport de Paris et de ne pas le faire pour les services dans les zones les plus reculés de l’Hexagone. Je crois très fort dans la supériorité des acteurs privés locaux pour fournir des services dans la France périphérique ou dans les zones d’abandon Des services publics traditionnel.
CRISPR accuracy
The study, "Linking CRISPR-Cas9 Interference in Cassava to the Evolution of Editing-Resistant Geminiviruses," was published in Genome Biology.
The study, "Linking CRISPR-Cas9 Interference in Cassava to the Evolution of Editing-Resistant Geminiviruses," was published in Genome Biology.
A play for free Universities in Europe
Ce qu'il faut bien comprendre c'est que le système étatique avec ces universités toutes moulées dans le jacobinisme c'est le système le plus appauvrissant et médiocre que l'on puisse inventer à une époque où la recherche l'innovation et l'approche critique de la connaissance sont de loin les facteurs de qualité et d'amélioration des résultats des soins.
In this setting comme dirait l'autre ce qui s'est sédimenté dans la cuve jacobine depis 1945 ce sont des systèmes de sélection d'apprentissage qui ont peu à peu défait ce que la tradition médicale française avait construit sans le savoir par l'agrégation des pratiques et des savoirs des individus extrêmement brillants qui ont exercé ce métier depuis deux à trois siècles en France.
L'étatisme étape ultime après le jacobinisme et avant le grand saut collectiviste a produit les nominations à vie, le copinage intense, la génétique la plus rudimentaire pour être nommé, l'Ordre des médecins aux ordres de l'état, et la disparition de l'Universitas ces enseignants et élèves qui ont établi ces institutions du 10ème au 12ème siècle SANS l'état SANS l'église, basées sur la liberté d'enseigner d'apprendre et de diffuser la science le droit et d'autres savoirs. Le souverain ou le pontife pouvaient leur accroder leur protection assortie de dispositions leur permettant de bénéficier lde la charité mais elles ont su jusqu'à très peu rester autonomes.
Tout a changé quand ces entités notamment en France sont devenues des appendices de l'état central et dépendant totalement de ses subsides. Et nous en voyons les résultats.
Les ango-saxons ont jalousement conservé des universités autonomes qui sont les garantes de leur réputation. En biologie et en médecine les résultats sont frappants. Pour les autres disciplines en France d'une manière générale ce sont les écoles qui tiennent le haut du pavé au détriment des universités. Bien sur rien n'empêche un individu intelligent de faire un parcours exceptionnel où qu'il soit. Mais du point de vue de la société et de ce que Tirole et d'autres appellent le bien commun les universités autonomes ou les écoles autonomes surpassent tous les systèmes étatiques.
In this setting comme dirait l'autre ce qui s'est sédimenté dans la cuve jacobine depis 1945 ce sont des systèmes de sélection d'apprentissage qui ont peu à peu défait ce que la tradition médicale française avait construit sans le savoir par l'agrégation des pratiques et des savoirs des individus extrêmement brillants qui ont exercé ce métier depuis deux à trois siècles en France.
L'étatisme étape ultime après le jacobinisme et avant le grand saut collectiviste a produit les nominations à vie, le copinage intense, la génétique la plus rudimentaire pour être nommé, l'Ordre des médecins aux ordres de l'état, et la disparition de l'Universitas ces enseignants et élèves qui ont établi ces institutions du 10ème au 12ème siècle SANS l'état SANS l'église, basées sur la liberté d'enseigner d'apprendre et de diffuser la science le droit et d'autres savoirs. Le souverain ou le pontife pouvaient leur accroder leur protection assortie de dispositions leur permettant de bénéficier lde la charité mais elles ont su jusqu'à très peu rester autonomes.
Tout a changé quand ces entités notamment en France sont devenues des appendices de l'état central et dépendant totalement de ses subsides. Et nous en voyons les résultats.
Les ango-saxons ont jalousement conservé des universités autonomes qui sont les garantes de leur réputation. En biologie et en médecine les résultats sont frappants. Pour les autres disciplines en France d'une manière générale ce sont les écoles qui tiennent le haut du pavé au détriment des universités. Bien sur rien n'empêche un individu intelligent de faire un parcours exceptionnel où qu'il soit. Mais du point de vue de la société et de ce que Tirole et d'autres appellent le bien commun les universités autonomes ou les écoles autonomes surpassent tous les systèmes étatiques.
vendredi 26 avril 2019
Algérie: 1959
7 Avril 1959
arraisonnement du cargo LIDICE
chargé d'armes pour les "fells"
DIMANCHE 4 AVRIL 1959 : L'escorteur rapide le BEARNAIS est "cul" à quai dans le port d'ORAN sous "Santa Cruz" (partie réservée aux bâtiments de la marine Nationale).
Vers 14H00, tout est calme à bord, des permissionnaires sont à terre, le tiers de service machine est demandé à son poste pour " L'allumage". (Ce qui n'était pas prévu à la feuille de service !) Et en fin d'après-midi le Béarnais quitte ORAN pour une destination inconnue.
En mer notre "Pacha" le Capitaine de Corvette COEFFIN nous informe que nous devons intercepter un cargo tchécoslovaque parti de GDYNIA en Pologne et à destination de HAIPHONG au Viêt-Nam, et qui débarquerait des armes au Maroc. Après avoir passé le détroit de Gibraltar, nous remontons à faible allure sur le passage des cargos venant du nord de l'Europe, accompagné par un avion Neptune de l'Aéro Navale. Nous étions le seul bâtiment sur zone.
MERCREDI 7 AVRIL 1959 à 7H15 : Je me trouvais au poste N°5 et devais prendre le quart à la machine à 8H00. Diffusion générale, appel du personnel de la tourelle N°3 au poste de combat et interdiction de circuler sur la plage arrière (où se trouvait l'affût double de 57mm n°3) .Le cargo repéré ayant refusé de stopper aux premières sommations, le Béarnais est monté en puissance et a tiré une rafale de 57m/m sur l'avant du LIDICE qui s'est tout de suite immobilisé. Nous sommes montés sur le pont et aperçu sur bâbord le fameux cargo gris !!! L'équipe de prise commandée par l'E.V. BOSC et composée du S/M fusilier JAN, du Q/M détecteur Théo MIKA et de mécaniciens dont j'ai oublié les noms, a pris possession du cargo et nous l'avons escorté vers MERS EL KEBIR pour y être déchargé.
La prise : Quatre mille caisses pesant au total 581 tonnes-Dix millions de cartouches pour fusils, douze mille fusils, deux mille mitrailleuses MG42,-dix neuf caisses de pièces de rechange, des camions tchèques et du matériel sanitaire.-Valeur totale estimée entre six et huit milliards de Francs.
jeudi 25 avril 2019
Taxation of Carbon use as a negative externality of Carbon emissions (CO2,CH4)
Global climate change is a serious problem calling for immediate national action. Guided by sound economic principles, we are united in the following policy recommendations.
I. A carbon tax offers the most cost-effective lever to reduce carbon emissions at the scale and speed that is necessary. By correcting a well-known market failure, a carbon tax will send a powerful price signal that harnesses the invisible hand of the marketplace to steer economic actors towards a low-carbon future.
II. A carbon tax should increase every year until emissions reductions goals are met and be revenue neutral to avoid debates over the size of government. A consistently rising carbon price will encourage technological innovation and large-scale infrastructure development. It will also accelerate the diffusion of carbon-efficient goods and services.
III. A sufficiently robust and gradually rising carbon tax will replace the need for various carbon regulations that are less efficient. Substituting a price signal for cumbersome regulations will promote economic growth and provide the regulatory certainty companies need for long- term investment in clean-energy alternatives.
IV. To prevent carbon leakage and to protect U.S. competitiveness, a border carbon adjustment system should be established. This system would enhance the competitiveness of American firms that are more energy-efficient than their global competitors. It would also create an incentive for other nations to adopt similar carbon pricing.
V. To maximize the fairness and political viability of a rising carbon tax, all the revenue should be returned directly to U.S. citizens through equal lump-sum rebates. The majority of American families, including the most vulnerable, will benefit financially by receiving more in “carbon dividends” than they pay in increased energy prices. |
10 Reasons to Oppose a Carbon Tax
A “carbon tax” is a tax on energy. Through July 2015, over 80 percent of domestic energy consumption came from natural gas, oil, and coal. A carbon tax would impose an indirect tax on these fuels due to their carbon dioxide emissions. Below are ten reasons carbon taxes should be opposed:
1). It is a tax on transportation fuels like gasoline and most forms of electricity – 67 percent of our electricity comes from natural gas, coal, and oil. By design, a carbon tax will make affordable energy more expensive. Americans will see their utility bills increase under a carbon tax. To repeat, this is the purpose of a carbon tax: to make the existing energy infrastructure more expensive, forcing Americans to change how they live and work.
2). It will increase the cost of goods and services – More expensive energy means more expensive goods and services. The costs associated with higher energy prices will be passed onto consumers through more expensive goods across all sectors of the economy.
3). It disproportionately hurts low income communities and seniors – The carbon tax is by nature regressive, because it will raise the prices of gasoline, electricity, and other goods by the same dollar amount for all consumers, regardless of their incomes. This disproportionately affects the poor, because energy costs are a bigger portion of their overall budgets. A carbon tax will therefore hurt low-income families and seniors more than it will hurt middle- and upper-class households.
4). It damages American economic competitiveness – More expensive energy and goods damage America’s economic output and overall competitiveness. It will do particular damage to high intensity energy industries like manufacturing. Affordable energy prices in America are one of the main competitive edges we have over our international competitors. For example, in the second half of 2014 the average price of electricity for industrial consumers in the EU was 12 cents/kwH, compared with 7 cents/kwH in the US. A carbon tax would severely undermine that advantage.
5). It may increase air pollution – More expensive energy in America will force companies, particularly those in manufacturing and energy-intensive industries, to shift business operations and the jobs they support overseas. Often times, these countries, such as China and India, have weaker environmental standards and less efficient methods of production. Less stringent standards in these countries are already causing pollution from China to cross the Pacific Ocean and negatively affect the West Coast. A carbon tax would shift more production to these countries, leading to more air pollution.
6). It does not impact climate change – As seen in British Columbia and Australia, carbon taxes do not impact climate change. In BC, a carbon tax was expected to reduce gasoline consumption, but drivers simply went elsewhere to get cheaper gas, like Alberta or Washington State. In Australia, emissions actually increased after the introduction of a carbon tax because of different loopholes and exceptions. Furthermore, even if the U.S. eliminated all carbon dioxide emissions, it would have a negligible impact on the world’s climate. Thus, according to EPA’s own models, imposing a carbon tax in the US will have next to zero impact on the global climate. It would, however, severely damage the American economy.
7). It is not a market-driven solution – Some people claim a carbon tax is a market driven solution for addressing climate change. This first assumes that taxes are an integral part of the free market. This is wrong because taxes are political instruments, not market forces. Calling a carbon tax market driven is like saying we have a more humane way to kill someone. A carbon tax is, fundamentally, a government intrusion into the market that necessarily picks winners and losers. Government officials must ultimately set the level of the tax, which shows that it is a far cry from a “market solution.”
8). It is a tool for politicians to continue wasteful government spending – As with most taxes, a carbon tax is just another tool by politicians to get more money from people to continue to increase the size and scope of the federal government. Instead of reducing unnecessary or wasteful spending, politicians look to things like a carbon tax to continue the gravy train. One only need to look to the recent budget negotiations to see the proclivity for Congress to raid various accounts for their own prerogatives. There is no reason to believe revenue raised from a carbon tax will be treated any differently. Indeed, major green groups are being quite upfront that they want a carbon tax in order to fund their “green energy” projects, schools, and other pet programs.
9). It is not “revenue-neutral” – Some claim that a carbon tax will be revenue neutral, meaning that revenues from the carbon tax will be used to offset or decrease taxes in another area. However, history shows us that this is unlikely to happen. The federal income tax was also intended to be a revenue neutral tax swap that would only tax the richest Americans while phasing out regressive tariffs, yet that has been proven to not be true. Additionally, the idea that a carbon tax can offset the federal income tax or payroll taxes is shaky because the taxes are based on separate tracks: a carbon tax (according to its supporters) provides the “optimal” disincentive for emissions based on models of climate change, while a payroll tax is based on Social Security demographics. Over time, these tracks would diverge and eventually break down, so that even if the carbon tax originally were tied to an “offsetting” cut to other taxes, over time this connection would be severed. Americans would simply have a new tax on energy, on top of the other taxes they suffer.
10). The American public is opposed to it – When asked, the American people reject the idea of a carbon tax, with over 60% of people opposing the idea. This idea only has support among people who want to increase the cost of energy in America.
mercredi 24 avril 2019
Affirmative action is not a solution: it creates resentment and poor social results
Social engineering is a mental disease. It led to anger, resentment, a drop in results and high cost for public finances. The historical example of the Asian immigrants proves clearly that family, schooling and education matter. Other ethnies should mimic their recipe.
L'ingénierie sociale est une maladie mentale. Cela a conduit à la colère, au ressentiment, à une baisse des résultats et à un coût élevé pour les finances publiques. L’exemple historique des immigrants asiatiques prouve clairement que la famille, la scolarisation et l’éducation importent. Les autres ethnies devraient imiter leur recette.
"Her department’s Office for Civil Rights is already investigating the use of race in admissions at Harvard and Yale universities, questioning whether Asian American applicants are being discriminated against."
L'ingénierie sociale est une maladie mentale. Cela a conduit à la colère, au ressentiment, à une baisse des résultats et à un coût élevé pour les finances publiques. L’exemple historique des immigrants asiatiques prouve clairement que la famille, la scolarisation et l’éducation importent. Les autres ethnies devraient imiter leur recette.
"Her department’s Office for Civil Rights is already investigating the use of race in admissions at Harvard and Yale universities, questioning whether Asian American applicants are being discriminated against."
Another example of this Orwellian enterprise...
"Students for Fair Admissions allege that Asian Americans with
the same academic grades are less likely than white students,
and far less likely than black or Hispanic students, to earn a
place at Harvard. This discrimination is achieved, they argue,
by techniques similar to those used to weed out Jewish
applicants in the 1920s, notably the creation of subjective
personality scores as part of the applicant’s final score.
Asian applicants, argued an expert witness for Students for Fair
Admissions, are given demonstrably lower personal scores even
when they are just as active in extracurricular activities.
Applying purely academic criteria would have led to 43% of
recent entrants being Asian, he argued, yet only 19% were
Asian. He also charged that the demographic balance of
Harvard’s freshman class was almost identical every year, a
result not likely achievable without deliberate racial balancing,
which has been prohibited by the courts.
The evidence indicates that Asian Americans are greatly
over-represented in universities relative to their numbers in
society but under-represented as a proportion of qualified
applicants. The 1960s architects of affirmative action did not
foresee or provide for the existence of a demographic minority
that consistently outscores white students in exams."
"Students for Fair Admissions allege that Asian Americans with
the same academic grades are less likely than white students,
and far less likely than black or Hispanic students, to earn a
place at Harvard. This discrimination is achieved, they argue,
by techniques similar to those used to weed out Jewish
applicants in the 1920s, notably the creation of subjective
personality scores as part of the applicant’s final score.
Asian applicants, argued an expert witness for Students for Fair
Admissions, are given demonstrably lower personal scores even
when they are just as active in extracurricular activities.
Applying purely academic criteria would have led to 43% of
recent entrants being Asian, he argued, yet only 19% were
Asian. He also charged that the demographic balance of
Harvard’s freshman class was almost identical every year, a
result not likely achievable without deliberate racial balancing,
which has been prohibited by the courts.
The evidence indicates that Asian Americans are greatly
over-represented in universities relative to their numbers in
society but under-represented as a proportion of qualified
applicants. The 1960s architects of affirmative action did not
foresee or provide for the existence of a demographic minority
that consistently outscores white students in exams."
Do you want that US people be cared for by diversity physicians or the best physicians?
If you hesitate because of moral judgement try to answer only for yourself.
If you hesitate because of moral judgement try to answer only for yourself.
Plesch, Dan (2017) Human Rights After Hitler: The Lost History of Prosecuting Axis War Crimes. Washington D.C.: Georgetown University Press.
The international army of political Islam
Voici une liste non exhaustive des groupes terroristes islamistes de par le monde, qui se reproduisent comme des bactéries, et dont le but est principalement de tuer des Chrétiens, des Juifs et tous ceux qui n’ont pas les mêmes croyances qu’eux. Pendant ce temps en France on se préoccupe de la « fachosphère » et aux États-Unis des virgules dans le « dossier de l’enquête Mueller »... c’est Byzance au XXIème siècle...
Here is a non-exhaustive list of Islamist terrorist groups around the world, which reproduce like bacteria, and whose main purpose is to kill Christians, Jews and all those who do not have the same beliefs as them. Meanwhile, in France, we are concerned about the "fascist sphere" and the United States commas in the "investigation Mueller" ... it's Byzantium in the 21st century ...
A FEW Islamist Terrorist Organizations that want Christians and Jews dead.
1. Al-Shabab (Africa)
2. Al Murabitun (Africa)
3. Al-Qeada (Afghanistan)
4. Al-Qaeda (Islamic Maghreb)
5. Al-Qaeda (Indian Subcontinent)
6. Al-Qaeda (Arab Peninsula)
7. Hamas (Gaza)
8.Palestinian Islamic Jihad (Palestine
9.Popular Front for the Liberation of (Palestine)
10.Hezbola (Lebanon)
11.Ansar al-Sharia-Benghazi (Lebanon)
12.Asbat Al-Ansar (Lebanon)
13.ISIS (Iraq)
14.ISIS (Syria)
15.ISIS (Cauacus)
16.ISIS (Libya)
17.ISIS (Yemen)
18.ISIS (Algeria)
19.ISIS (Philippines)
20.Jund al-Sham (Syria/Afganistan)
21. Al-Mourabitoun (Lebanon)
22.Abdullah Azzam Brigades (Lebanon)
23. Al-Itihaad al-Islamiya (Somalia)
24. Al-Haramain Foundation (Saudi Arabia)
25.Ansar-Al-Sharia (Morocco)
26.Moroccon Mudjadine (Morocco)
27.Salafia Jihadia (Morocco)
28.Boko Haram (Africa)
29.Islamic movement of (Uzbekistan)
30.Islamic Jihad Union (Uzbekistan)
31.Islamic Jihad Union (Germany)
32.DRW True-Religion (Germany)
33.Fajar Nusantara Movement (Germany)
34.DIK Hildesheim (Germany)
35.Jaish-e-Mohammed (Kashmir)
36.Jaish al-Muhajireen wal-Ansar (Syria)
37.Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (Syria)
38.Jamaat al Dawa al Quran (Afghanistan)
39.Jundallah (Iran)
40.Quds Force (Iran)
41.Kata'ib Hezbollah (Iraq)
42. Al-Itihaad al-Islamiya (Somalia)
43.Egyptian Islamic Jihad (Egypt)
44.Jund al-Sham (Jordan)
45.Fajar Nusantara Movement (Australia)
46.Society of the Revival of Islamic 47.Heritage (Terror funding, WorldWide offices)
48.Taliban (Afghanistan)
49.Taliban (Pakistan)
50.Tehrik-i-Taliban (Pakistan)
51. Army of Islam (Syria)
52.Islamic Movement (Israel)
53.Ansar Al Sharia (Tunisia)
54.Mujahideen Shura Council in the Environs of (Jerusalem)
55.Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (Libya)
61.Indian Mujahideen (India)
62.Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen (India)
63.Ansar al-Islam (India)
64.Students Islamic Movement of (India)
65.Harakat Mujahideen (India)
66.Hizbul Mujhaideen(India)
67.Lashkar e Islam(India)
68.Jund al-Khilafah (Algeria)
69.Turkistan Islamic Party
70.Egyptian Islamic Jihad (Egypt)
71.Great Eastern Islamic Raiders' Front (Turkey)
72.Harkat-ul-Jihad al-Islami (Pakistan)
73.Tehreek-e-Nafaz-e-Shariat-e-Mohammadi (Pakistan)
74.Lashkar e Toyiba(Pakistan)
75.Lashkar e Jhangvi(Pakistan)
Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat (Pakistan)
76.Jamaat ul-Ahrar (Pakistan)
77.Harkat-ul-Mujahideen (Pakistan)
78.Jamaat Ul-Furquan (Pakistan)
79.Harkat-ul-Mujahideen (Syria)
80.Ansar al-Din Front (Syria)
81.Jabhat Fateh al-Sham (Syria)
82.Jamaah Anshorut Daulah (Syria)
83.Nour al-Din al-Zenki Movement (Syria)
84.Liwa al-Haqq (Syria)
85. Al-Tawhid Brigade (Syria)
86.Jund al-Aqsa (Syria)
87. Al-Tawhid Brigade (Syria)
88.Yarmouk Martyrs Brigade (Syria)
89.Khalid ibn al-Walid Army (Syria)
90.Hezb-e Islami Gulbuddin (Afganistan)
91.Jamaat-ul-Ahrar (Afghanistan)
92.Hizb ut-Tahrir (Worldwide Caliphate)
93.Hizbul Mujahideen (Kasmir)
94.Ansar Allah (Yemen)
95.Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development (USA)
96.Jamaat Mujahideen (India)
97.Jamaah Ansharut Tauhid (Indonesia)
98.Hizbut Tahrir (Indonesia)
99.Fajar Nusantara Movement (Indonesia)
100.Jemaah Islamiyah (Indonesia)
101.Jemaah Islamiyah (Philippines)
102.Jemaah Islamiyah (Singapore)
103.Jemaah Islamiyah (Thailand)
104.Jemaah Islamiyah (Malaysia)
105.Ansar Dine (Africa)
106.Osbat al-Ansar (Palestine)
107.Hizb ut-Tahrir (Group connecting 108.Islamic Caliphates across the world into one world Islamic Caliphate)
109. Army of the Men of the Naqshbandi Order (Iraq)
110. Al Nusra Front (Syria)
111. Al-Badr (Pakistan)
112.Islam4UK (UK)
113. Al Ghurabaa (UK)
114. Call to Submission (UK)
115.Islamic Path (UK)
116. London School of Sharia (UK)
117.Muslims Against Crusades (UK)
118.Need4Khilafah (UK)
119.The Shariah Project (UK)
120.The Islamic Dawah Association (UK)
121.The Saviour Sect (UK) x2
123.Jamaat Ul-Furquan (UK)
124.Minbar Ansar Deen (UK),
125. Al-Muhajiroun (UK) (Lee Rigby, London 2017 members),
126.Islamic Council of Britain (UK) (Not to be confused with Offical Muslim Council of Britain),
127.Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah (UK)
128. Al-Gama'a (Egypt)
129. Al-Islamiyya (Egypt)
130.Armed Islamic men of (Algeria)
131Salafist Group for Call and Combat (Algeria)
132.Ansaru (Algeria)
133.Ansar-Al-Sharia (Libya)
134. Al Ittihad Al Islamia (Somalia)
135.Ansar al-Sharia (Tunisia)
136. Al-Shabab (Africa)
137. Al-Aqsa Foundation (Germany)
138. Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades (Palestine)
139. Abu Sayyaf (Philippines)
140. Aden-Abyan Islamic Army (Yemen)
141. Ajnad Misr (Egypt)
142. Abu Nidal Organization (Palestine)
143. Jamaah Ansharut Tauhid (Indonesia)
mardi 23 avril 2019
Charles BAUDELAIRE (1821-1867) Tristesses de la lune
Ce soir, la lune rêve avec plus de paresse ;
Ainsi qu'une beauté, sur de nombreux coussins,
Qui d'une main distraite et légère caresse
Avant de s'endormir le contour de ses seins,
Ainsi qu'une beauté, sur de nombreux coussins,
Qui d'une main distraite et légère caresse
Avant de s'endormir le contour de ses seins,
Sur le dos satiné des molles avalanches,
Mourante, elle se livre aux longues pâmoisons,
Et promène ses yeux sur les visions blanches
Qui montent dans l'azur comme des floraisons.
Mourante, elle se livre aux longues pâmoisons,
Et promène ses yeux sur les visions blanches
Qui montent dans l'azur comme des floraisons.
Quand parfois sur ce globe, en sa langueur oisive,
Elle laisse filer une larme furtive,
Un poète pieux, ennemi du sommeil,
Elle laisse filer une larme furtive,
Un poète pieux, ennemi du sommeil,
Dans le creux de sa main prend cette larme pâle,
Aux reflets irisés comme un fragment d'opale,
Et la met dans son coeur loin des yeux du soleil.
Aux reflets irisés comme un fragment d'opale,
Et la met dans son coeur loin des yeux du soleil.
Evolution, psychological development
lundi 22 avril 2019
Bad news for the EU
Parabole des talents M25
1 אז תדמה מלכות השמים לעשר עלמות אשר לקחו את נרותיהן ותצאנה לקראת החתן׃
2 חמש מהן היו חכמות וחמש כסילות׃
3 הכסילות לקחו את הנרות ולא לקחו עמהן שמן׃
4 והחכמות לקחו שמן בכליהן ואת נרותיהן׃
5 וכאשר בשש החתן לבוא ותנמנה כלן ותרדמנה׃
6 ויהי בחצות הלילה ותהי צוחה הנה החתן צאינה לקראתו׃
7 אז התעוררו כל העלמות ההן ותיטבנה את נרותיהן׃
8 ותאמרנה הכסילות אל החכמות תנה לנו משמנכן כי יכבו נרותינו׃
9 ותענינה החכמות לאמר לא כן פן יחסר לנו ולכן כי אם לכנה אל המוכרים וקנינה לכן׃
10 ויהי בעת לכתן לקנות ויבוא החתן והנכנות ללכת באו אתו אל החתנה ותסגר הדלת׃
11 ואחרי כן באו גם שאר העלמות ותאמרנה אדנינו אדנינו פתח לנו׃
12 ויען ויאמר אמן אמר אני לכן לא ידעתי אתכן׃
13 לכן שקדו כי אינכם יודעים את היום ואת השעה אשר יבא בה בן האדם׃
14 כי כמו איש נסע למרחוק אשר קרא אל עבדיו וימסר להם את רכושו׃
15 ויתן לזה חמש ככרים ולזה שתים ולזה אחת לכל איש ואיש כפי ערכו וימהר ויסע משם׃
16 וילך האיש הלקח חמש ככרים ויסחר בהן ויעש לו חמש ככרים אחרות׃
17 וכן הלקח שתים גם הוא הרויח שתים אחרות׃
18 אך לקח האחת הלך ויחפר באדמה ויטמן את כסף אדניו׃
19 ואחרי ימים רבים בא אדוני העבדים ההם ויעש חשבון עמהם׃
20 ויגש הלקח חמש הככרים ויבא חמש ככרים אחרות לאמר אדני חמש ככרים מסרת לי הנה חמש ככרים אחרות הרוחתי בהן׃
21 ויאמר אליו אדניו כן העבד הטוב והנאמן כי במעט נאמן היית ועל הרבה אפקידך בוא אל שמחת אדניך׃
22 ויגש גם לקח הככרים ויאמר אדני ככרים מסרת לי הנה ככרים הרוחתי בהן׃
23 ויאמר אליו אדניו היטבת העבד הטוב והנאמן במזער נאמן היית ועל הרבה אפקידך בוא אל שמחת אדניך׃
24 ויגש גם הלקח את הככר האחת ויאמר אדני ידעתיך כי איש קשה אתה קצר באשר לא זרעת וכנס מאשר לא פזרת׃
25 ואירא ואלך ואטמן את ככרך באדמה ועתה הא לך את אשר לך׃
26 ויען אדניו ויאמר אליו העבד הרע והעצל אתה ידעת כי קצר אנכי באשר לא זרעתי וכנס מאשר לא פזרתי׃
27 לכן היה עליך לתת את כספי לשלחנים ואני בבואי הייתי לקח את אשר לי בתרבית׃
28 על כן שאו ממנו את הככר ותנו אל האיש אשר לו עשר הככרים׃
29 כי כל איש אשר יש לו ינתן לו ויעדיף והאיש אשר אין לו גם את אשר לו יקח ממנו׃
30 ואת עבד הבליעל השליכו אל החשך החיצון שם תהיה היללה וחרק השנים׃
31 והיה כי יבוא בן האדם בכבודו וכל המלאכים הקדשים עמו וישב על כסא כבודו׃
32 ונאספו לפניו כל הגוים והפריד בינותם כאשר יפריד הרעה את הכבשים מן העתודים׃
33 והציב את הכבשים לימינו ואת העתודים לשמאלו׃
34 אז יאמר המלך אל הנצבים לימינו באו ברוכי אבי ורשו את המלכות המוכנה לכם למן הוסד העולם׃
35 כי רעב הייתי ותאכילני צמא הייתי ותשקוני גר הייתי ותאספוני׃
36 ערום ותכסוני חולה ותבקרוני במשמר הייתי ותבאו אלי׃
37 וענו הצדיקים ואמרו אדנינו מתי ראינוך רעב ונכלכלך או צמא ונשקה אותך׃
38 ומתי ראינוך גר ונאספך או ערם ונכסך׃
39 ומתי ראינוך חולה או במשמר ונבא אליך׃
40 והמלך יענה ויאמר אליהם אמן אמר אני לכם מה שעשיתם לאחד מאחי הצעירים האלה לי עשיתם׃
41 ואז יאמר גם אל הנצבים לשמאלו לכו מעלי אתם הארורים אל אש עולם המוכנה לשטן ולמלאכיו׃
42 כי רעב הייתי ולא האכלתם אותי צמא הייתי ולא השקיתם אותי׃
43 גר הייתי ולא אספתם אותי ערום ולא כסיתם אותי חולה ובמשמר ולא בקרתם אותי׃
44 וענו גם הם ואמרו אדנינו מתי ראינוך רעב או צמא או גר או ערום או חולה או במשמר ולא שרתנוך׃
45 אז יענה אתם לאמר אמן אמר אני לכם מה שלא עשיתם לאחד מן הצעירים האלה גם לי לא עשיתם׃
46 וילכו אלה למעצבת עולם והצדיקים לחיי עולם׃
Open data in healthcare systems and in clinical trials
Partial publication of clinical trials, selected by the
sponsor to favour the tested product, is unacceptable
because it distorts the scientific evidence and resulting
medical care, harming public health. Within the past decade, some important initiatives have been introduced to address clinical trial transparency, including legislative and medical journal requirements for prospective clinical trial registration, and importantly, a shift within the EU to require at least partial public disclosure of clinical study reports for newly approved medicines. Public interest groups, healthcare professionals, researchers, health agencies and legislators all strongly advocated for these changes. The problem,
however, is not yet solved. Clinical trial registry
requirements are imperfectly enforced. Study results
often remaining unpublished, and many medicines
in common use escape registration requirements
because they were approved before these rules were introduced. The question of commercial confidentiality and the alleged difficulty of deidentifying patient-level data can block important progress. Despite these limitations, enormous advances have been made in the recognition of clinical trial data as a public good and in real and important changes to data access. We must now consolidate these advances and take them a step further for greater data transparency.
La publication partielle d'essais cliniques, sélectionnés par le
sponsor afin de favoriser le produit testé, est inacceptable
car elle fausse les preuves scientifiques et résultant
soins médicaux, nuisant à la santé publique. Au cours de la dernière décennie, d'importantes initiatives ont été lancées pour améliorer la transparence des essais cliniques, notamment les obligations légales et légales des journaux médicaux pour l'enregistrement des essais cliniques prospectifs, ainsi qu'un changement au sein de l'UE exigeant la publication au moins partielle des rapports d'études cliniques pour les nouveaux patients. médicaments approuvés. Les groupes d’intérêt public, les professionnels de la santé, les chercheurs, les agences de santé et les législateurs ont tous fortement plaidé en faveur de ces changements. Le problème,
Cependant, n'est pas encore résolu. Registre d'essais cliniques les exigences sont imparfaitement appliquées. Résultats de l'étude restant souvent non publié, et de nombreux médicaments
utilisation commune exigences d'enregistrement d'échappement
parce qu’ils ont été approuvés avant l’introduction de ces règles. La question de la confidentialité commerciale et la prétendue difficulté de désidentifier les données au niveau du patient peuvent bloquer des progrès importants. Malgré ces limitations, des progrès énormes ont été réalisés dans la reconnaissance des données des essais cliniques en tant que bien public et dans des changements réels et importants en matière d'accès aux données. Nous devons maintenant consolider ces avancées et les faire progresser pour une plus grande transparence des données.
American inequality reflects gross incomes as much as taxes
American inequality reflects gross incomes as much as taxes
How taxes and transfers affect the distribution of income
Print edition | Graphic detail
When people think about which rich countries have the least equal income distributions, America often jumps to mind. The country has a much smaller welfare state than many of its European counterparts, which suggests it does not redistribute much. But does it?
One common measure of income inequality is the Gini coefficient. The index ranges from zero to 100. A score of zero implies that income is shared equally; 100 implies that one person scoops the lot. By comparing a country’s Gini coefficient before and after taxes and transfers, a rough gauge can be created of how progressive (or regressive) its tax and benefit system is.
By this measure at least, America’s tax system is in fact fairly progressive. It does roughly as much to reduce inequality as does Canada’s or Sweden’s (even though most European systems do more). What distinguishes America from those two countries is that its pre-tax Gini coefficient is high, so that the government has to put in more work to level the playing field. In contrast, countries with low pre-tax inequality, such as South Korea, manage to achieve low post-tax inequality without doing much by way of redistribution.
The difference in countries’ Gini coefficients after taxes and transfers correlates strongly with the economic weight of government. In France government spending accounts for 57% of gdp. America’s federal, state and local authorities spend just 35%. Although pre-tax inequality is almost as high in France as in America, the two countries look very different after taxes.
Nordic countries are generally thought to be champion redistributors. But within the oecd, a club of mostly rich countries, Ireland does most to slash inequality. After taxes and transfers, Ireland’s income distribution goes from the most skewed in our chart to the middle of the pack. The rich pay a higher share of income tax than in most other countries, while low-earning households receive generous tax credits.
Most countries would struggle to copy the Irish system in full. Part of the reason Ireland is able to do so much redistribution is that it relies more than most on taxes paid by multinational companies. Foreign-owned firms accounted for 80% of corporate tax in 2017. Cross-country data suggest that if America wanted to bring its level of inequality down to the oecd average, it would have to boost government spending to 50% of gdp. That would require increases in taxes across the board—a highly unlikely prospect.
Sources: IMF; OECD; Central Statistics Office Ireland
dimanche 21 avril 2019
Scorched but standing — two symbols of the West
Niall Ferguson in The Times
April 21 2019, 12:01am,
Like Notre Dame, the US constitution has survived a grave test
April 21 2019, 12:01am,
Like Notre Dame, the US constitution has survived a grave test
‘Absolutely heartbreaking. A magnificent monument to western civilisation collapsing.” Thus wrote the mercurial young conservative Ben Shapiro last Monday before it was clear that Notre Dame, although burning, was not wholly collapsing. The great Parisian cathedral was, he added, “a central monument to western civilisation, which was built on the Judaeo-Christian heritage”.
There was a time when such an observation would have been open to criticism only for its lack of originality. After all, Kenneth Clark began his hugely influential television series Civilisation against the backdrop of Notre Dame — “not perhaps the most lovable of cathedrals, but the most rigorously intellectual facade in the whole of gothic art”.
Fifty years ago you could say (as Clark did) that the Graeco-Roman statue known to us as the Apollo of the Belvedere “embodies a higher state of civilisation” than an African mask because it expressed “an ideal of perfection — reason, justice, physical beauty, all of them in equilibrium”.
But this is 2019, not 1969, so Shapiro was swiftly denounced. According to an article in The Washington Post, he had “evoked the spectre of a war between Islam and the West that is already part of numerous far-right narratives”, including the manifesto of Brenton Tarrant, the man accused of the mass shooting in Christchurch.
Shapiro is often misrepresented this way. Even The Economist quite wrongly described him as an “alt-right sage” in a profile last month, later correcting that to “radical conservative”. True, for four years he worked as editor-at-large for the Breitbart News website, but he left Breitbart early in the 2016 presidential campaign. Far from being alt-right, he became the target of anti-semitic abuse from precisely that quarter for repeatedly criticising Donald Trump (Shapiro is an Orthodox Jew).
The argument of his book The Right Side of History is not in the least bit “alt”.
“Freedom,” he contends, “is built upon the twin notions that God created every human in His image and that human beings are capable of investigating and exploring God’s world. Those notions were born in Jerusalem and Athens, respectively. [They] built science . . . built human rights. They built prosperity, peace and artistic beauty.” Not much there that Clark would have disagreed with.
What is remarkable about Shapiro is, first, the popularity of these quite old-right views (the book is a bestseller, and his online following is huge) and, second, the hatred with which he is regarded on the left. No campus speaker attracts audiences, protesters and security quite like Shapiro.
The tendency for the “progressive” left to equate western civilisation with white supremacy is not new. From the 1930s until the 1960s, Stanford, where I am based, had a course called Western Civilisation (renamed Western Culture in 1980). Undergraduates were expected to read the canon, including Homer, Plato, the Bible and St Augustine.
However, in 1985 Stanford’s Black Student Union complained the course was “racist”. Similar complaints were made by Hispanic students and feminists. So Western Culture was replaced by Cultures, Ideas, Values, which required that professors also assign “works by women, minorities and persons of colour” and that undergraduates study “at least one of the non-European cultures”.
An attempt to revive western civilisation through a student ballot in 2016 was roundly defeated. In the words of one opponent of the idea: “Western values put millions in shackles in the first place. A brief and not-at-all encompassing list of historical examples includes genocide of indigenous populations, the transatlantic slave trade, Japanese internment camps, sex trafficking in the Vietnam and Korean wars.”
This kind of historically lopsided reasoning was not difficult to find in the week of the Notre Dame fire. There were the tweets that I hope came from Russian bots rather than genuine ignoramuses (“I don't feel bad about Notre Dame because it was built on the backs of slaves” was one gem).
There was Rolling Stone magazine’s bold suggestion that “any rebuilding should be a reflection not of an old France or the France that never was [sic] — a non-secular, white European France — but a reflection of the France of today”. And there was the Harvard professor Patricio del Real’s lunatic observation: “The building was so overburdened with meaning that its burning feels like an act of liberation.”
Most people who would call themselves liberal appeared upset that Notre Dame was ablaze and the majority seemed to favour its reconstruction rather than, say, its conversion into an interfaith safe space.
In a week marred by yet more disinvitations of conservative academics in America, I have been struggling to reconcile the left’s repudiation of western civilisation with the widespread grief over the damage to Notre Dame. The only conclusion I can reach is that people simply like such big, ornate buildings as backdrops for their holiday selfies and Instagram posts.
I take a slightly different view of western civilisation from Shapiro and Clark, as readers of my book Civilization: The West and the Rest may recall. For me, a civilisation is defined more by its institutions than the buildings where they are housed or indeed the faith or ideology that inspires them.
The other burning edifice in the news last week was the Trump presidency, which the president himself certainly thought had caught fire (“I’m f*****”) when Robert Mueller was appointed special counsel in May 2017. The redacted Mueller report was finally published on Thursday. It confirmed that the fire is under control and the Trump presidency remains largely intact.
No, Mueller did not “establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or co-ordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities”. (The Russians, by contrast, were guilty as hell.) Yes, Trump committed “multiple acts . . . capable of exerting undue influence over law enforcement investigations”, but his “efforts to influence the investigation were mostly unsuccessful . . . because the persons who surrounded the president declined to carry out orders or accede to his requests”.
It is all very disappointing for the many people who since 2016 have been claiming a) that Trump is plotting to overthrow the constitution and establish a tyranny, or b) that he is the reincarnation of Richard Nixon. But for those who believe that the strength of the United States lies in the rule of law rather than the personality of the president, it was a good week.
It is Easter Day, so let us give thanks that Notre Dame was saved. As the historian Tom Holland said last week, “The debt of the contemporary West to Christianity is more deeply rooted than many . . . might presume.” Let’s also give thanks for the very different ideals of the Enlightenment, which bequeathed to us that other great monument to western civilisation, the US constitution. May it endure as long as Notre Dame.
Niall Ferguson is the Milbank Family senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford
"Let’s also give thanks for the very different ideals of the Enlightenment, which bequeathed to us that other great monument to western civilisation, the US constitution." I can't agree more with this assertion as the major weakness of our French society is its constitution.
Cyrulnik’s perceptions about creativity and orphanhood have only a small probability to be scientific facts
We cannot find any evidence of that and even any paper on the subject from Cyrulnik. So instead of propagating confusing assumptions Cyrulnik should better do the math and write a paper which will be peer-reviewed.
In fact, this "intuition" is rather a clinical case of delusional psycho-analytic arrogance.
"C'est l'image de la mère qui les invite à la création."
Martin Eisenstadt
The most rational approach to this issue is to recognize that a lot of orphans do have problems with violence. The myth of resilience is over.
We cannot find any evidence of that and even any paper on the subject from Cyrulnik. So instead of propagating confusing assumptions Cyrulnik should better do the math and write a paper which will be peer-reviewed.
In fact, this "intuition" is rather a clinical case of delusional psycho-analytic arrogance.
"C'est l'image de la mère qui les invite à la création."
Martin Eisenstadt
The most rational approach to this issue is to recognize that a lot of orphans do have problems with violence. The myth of resilience is over.
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