jeudi 9 novembre 2017

Stop using your pillow,

I did it for about 30-40 years...

Top customer reviews

on June 13, 2012
Format: DVD|Verified Purchase
I suffer from thoracic outlet syndrome, a tight neck and TMJD. Probably all related to each other. Consequently, I already have a stack of books and DVDs on the subjects of therapeutic stretching, PT, posture, etc. Despite this, I found a new useful stretch on this DVD as well as a variation on a stretch I already knew. The variation is more comfortable for my body, while still being an effective stretch. The rest of the material was review for me, but having said that, I can vouch for its validity. And a little review never hurts. :-)

My symptoms have already improved from prior materials and PT by over 80%. But since that's less than 100%, I continue to search and explore. I'm glad I found this video for the reasons above.

If you have problems with your upper back, shoulders, neck or head, I highly recommend that you include this in your recovery and maintenance program. And if you work at a desk for long periods of time, I also recommend that you get this before little problems become big problems.

I also recommend 3 Minutes to a Pain-Free Life which nicely complements this video. The title is overhyped, but the advice and benefits are universal, similar to this video. We all have to live in our bodies and they affect our cognition and emotions more than many people appreciate.

Well if you're here, you're having problems too. Good luck with your recovery!

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