jeudi 11 octobre 2018

Carefulness is preferable

Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood. —Marie Curie

Demography and CO2 emission: one size does not fit all and the rest is propaganda based on scenario not science

The wide disparity in population increasing rates all over the world. From Wikipedia, 2000-2015

The first issue is the wide disparity in birth rates. The reason why the advice of fewer babies cannot be applied to all countries.

Birth rate (crude) for 1000 people.

This is discussed in this paper of the french press albeit partly:
"Certes le nombre d'êtres humains va croître et cette croissance va aggraver les problèmes écologiques, notamment dans les pays du sud où il n'y a guère d'adduction d'eau, de ramassage d'ordure et de transports publics. On sait que la natalité baisse quand les femmes sont éduquées et que le pays offre une protection sociale. Quand ce n'est pas le cas, pour toute mère, sa meilleure assurance est ses enfants et ce ne sont pas quelques livres pour jeunes Canadiens qui changeront cette vérité. Si donc l'on veut maîtriser la croissance de l'espèce humaine dans les pays du sud, c'est en les accompagnant dans le développement de l'éducation, notamment des filles, en développant des programmes portant sur les différentes méthodes de contraception et en créant des régimes de protection sociale. Le Rwanda semble montrer la voie. Il faut l'accompagner, l'aider, adapter son modèle à d'autres pays... mais ceci est une autre histoire." 

"Certainly the number of human beings will grow and this growth will aggravate the ecological problems, especially in southern countries where there is little water supply, garbage collection and public transport. We know that birth rates drop when women are educated and the country offers social protection. When this is not the case, for any mother, her best insurance is her children and it is not a few books for young Canadians that will change this truth. So if we want to control the growth of the human species in the southern countries, it is by accompanying them in the development of education, especially girls, by developing programs on different methods of contraception and by creating social protection schemes. Rwanda seems to show the way. It must accompany, help, adapt its model to other countries ... but this is another story."
AFP sent a first tweet and then a second: backsliding
One of the most appropriate answer:
"AFP propaganda fell short: those who need to reduce their birth rate don't have fossil fuel powered cars nor electricity. One size doesn't fit all and political ecology is a disaster for rationality. Apparently, AFP ignores the economics of carbon footprint."

So the most efficient decision everyone can make according to these simulations and scenarios is not appropriate for countries with a low birth rate.

Bees and virus: try mushrooms

Virucidal effects of mushrooms in bees. At the starting point is a careful observation of bees behaviour.

"Waves of highly infectious viruses sweeping through global honey bee populations have contributed to recent declines in honey bee health. Bees have been observed foraging on mushroom mycelium, suggesting that they may be deriving medicinal or nutritional value from fungi. Fungi are known to produce a wide array of chemicals with antimicrobial activity, including compounds active against bacteria, other fungi, or viruses. We tested extracts from the mycelium of multiple polypore fungal species known to have antiviral properties. Extracts from amadou (Fomes) and reishi (Ganoderma) fungi reduced the levels of honey bee deformed wing virus (DWV) and Lake Sinai virus (LSV) in a dose-dependent manner. In field trials, colonies fed Ganoderma resinaceum extract exhibited a 79-fold reduction in DWV and a 45,000-fold reduction in LSV compared to control colonies. These findings indicate honey bees may gain health benefits from fungi and their antimicrobial compounds."

mercredi 10 octobre 2018

CO2 and global temperatures on earth

Marx the prophet and the gang of his successors

"It was not by a slip that an analogy from the world of religion was permitted to intrude into the title of this chapter. There is more than analogy. In one important sense, Marxism is a religion. To the believer it presents, first, a system of ultimate ends that embody the meaning of life and are absolute standards by which to judge events and actions; and, secondly, a guide to those ends which implies a plan of salvation and the indication of the evil from which mankind, or a chosen section of mankind, is to be saved. We may specify still further: Marxist socialism also belongs to that subgroup which promises paradise on this side of the grave." 

J Schumpeter

Present post Marxists or postmodernists are also the prophets of a new religion but it is not a plan of salvation, it is not a promise of paradise on this side of the grave, because according to this religion the evil is the human being. In this faith, their plan is a mandatory extinction of humanity by all means.
Because they acknowledged that human inequality is consubstantial of genomic diversity and consequently they decided to push toward the ultimate sacrifice.
Egalitarian totalitarianism is at this price.

"Ce n’est pas par hasard que l’on a permis à une analogie du monde religieux de s’immiscer dans le titre de ce chapitre. Il y a plus qu'une analogie. Dans un sens important, le marxisme est une religion. Pour le croyant, il présente, en premier lieu, un système de fins ultimes qui incarnent le sens de la vie et constituent des normes absolues permettant de juger des événements et des actions; et, deuxièmement, un guide à ces fins qui implique un plan de salut et l’indication du mal dont l’humanité, ou une partie choisie de l’humanité, doit être sauvée. Nous pouvons préciser encore: le socialisme marxiste appartient également à ce sous-groupe qui promet le paradis de ce côté de la tombe."

J Schumpeter

Les post-marxistes ou postmodernistes actuels sont aussi les prophètes d'une nouvelle religion, mais ce n'est pas un plan de salut, ce n'est pas une promesse de paradis de ce côté-ci de la tombe, car selon cette religion, le mal est l'homme. Dans cette foi, leur plan est une extinction obligatoire de l'humanité par tous les moyens.
Parce qu'ils ont reconnu que l'inégalité humaine est consubstantielle à la diversité génomique, ils ont par conséquent décidé de pousser au sacrifice ultime. Le totalitarisme égalitaire est à ce prix.

A controversial story about crocodiles: are PETA assumptions of barbarism a fake news because of reptilian physiology?

"People who’ve watched footage of twitching reptile organs accuse our industry of skinning animals alive but this criticism is completely unfounded. Reptiles have a metabolism different from humans and their organs can show signs of activity long after they’re dead. On some rare occasions, I have seen some twitching even 24 hours after the animal was killed… The crocodile was dead, dead, dead, but when you cut it open, the heart inside was still feebly twitching!"

lundi 8 octobre 2018

Genome modification through viruses and insects in agriculture

Science: from a recent paper 

"All that scientists can do they will do it."
Gabor NP

La CEJ décide de limiter l'utilisation des techniques génétiques en agriculture et définit même deux types de mutagénèse: l'ancienne acceptée et les nouvelles rejetées...

The most controversial part of this ECJ decision:
"L’article 3, paragraphe 1, de la directive 2001/18, lu conjointement avec l’annexe I B, point 1, de cette directive et à la lumière du considérant 17 de celle-ci, doit être interprété en ce sens que ne sont exclus du champ d’application de ladite directive que les organismes obtenus au moyen de techniques/méthodes de mutagenèse qui ont été traditionnellement utilisées pour diverses applications et dont la sécurité est avérée depuis longtemps."
It is very worrying that genome editing is also apparently excluded in the EU according to this decision.

