jeudi 24 octobre 2019

French history

"Well first thing De Gaulle chose to take communists in the government because they were countless to resist the nazis"
You are wrong it was only an opportunistic tactic in order to have allies against US, even dangerous ones. De Gaulle at this time had one idea: taking power. Later he stood in this ambiguity with the soviets and in a retrospective view this did not contribute to shorten or alleviate the tragedy of east european countries which on the contrary W Churchill forecasted very early after WWII.
Don't forget the pact between Hitler and Staline and the tragedy of "pacifism" among communists. Frankly I believe you should know all of these facts.
But this opportunity was taken seriously by communists which by the way infiltrates all the state and pushed laws in order to found the strongest civil servant status in the world and other premises of a socialist country. Lifetime garantee of jobs, from the top (ENA) to the bottom... ENA was founded by M Debré an M Thorez, not a joke!
And after the communist era a strong connivence was established between the crony capitalism and the state which led to the present result. A society where formal freedom is acknowledged but where liberty is scarce especially in business.
Monopolies of the state are numerous, privileges and rents are obvious, debt is growing and wealth creation is anemic. The civil service is the place where communism, marxism and trotskysm are today very well implanted. These theories are taught in public schools as credible alternative to capitalism. And so on.
The difference with Greece is our past accumulated wealthness and the incredible power of entrepreneurship in this country despite all these obstacles and perhaps (until a reverse point) because of these obstacles.
This commentary is not a "long boring, pompous and irrelevant" story, it's the french modern history. We must assume it, but in the transition toward the global world, identification of these steps and their aftermaths are of key relevance.


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