mardi 19 décembre 2017

Women height

"Recent studies have shown that, in contemporary populations, tall men have greater reproductive success than shorter men. This appears to be due to their greater ability to attract mates. To our knowledge, no comparable results have yet been reported for women. This study used data from Britain's National Child Development Study to examine the life histories of a nationally representative group of women. Height was weakly but significantly related to reproductive success. The relationship was U-shaped, with deficits at the extremes of height. This pattern was largely due to poor health among extremely tall and extremely short women. However, the maximum reproductive success was found below the mean height for women. Thus, selection appears to be sexually disruptive in this population, favouring tall men and short women. Over evolutionary time, such a situation tends to maintain sexual dimorphism. Men do not use stature as a positive mate-choice criterion as women do. It is argued that there is good evolutionary reason for this, because men are orientated towards cues of fertility, and female height, being positively related to age of sexual maturity, is not such a cue."

"One of the factors that contribute to height is the genetic factor. 
There are two genes in men that contribute to height- one gene on chromosome 15 and one on the Y chromosome. These genes may also help explain why men are taller than women.
The Y chromosome is the male sex chromosome, absent in women. The gene on chromosome 15, called CYP19, codes for aromatase - an enzyme that converts testosterone into oestrogen in both sexes. Oestrogen influences height because it is responsible for bones fusing over at the ends, which stops people growing.
Aromatase seems to have its effect mainly on long bones, like those in the legs. Men and women generally have similar-sized bodies, but men tend to have longer legs."

«Même cette dysmorphie [sic] a été construite! J’ai une jeune collègue qui a travaillé sur ce sujet et elle montre que toute l’évolution consciente et voulue de l’humanité a travaillé à une diminution de la prestance du corps féminin par rapport au masculin. Depuis la préhistoire, les hommes se sont réservé les protéines, la viande, les graisses, tout ce qui était nécessaire pour fabriquer les os. Alors que les femmes recevaient les féculents et les bouillies qui donnaient les rondeurs. C’est cette discordance dans l’alimentation –encore observée dans la plus grande partie de l’humanité– qui a abouti, au fil des millénaires, à une diminution de la taille des femmes tandis que celle des hommes augmentait. Encore une différence qui passe pour naturelle alors qu’elle est culturellement acquise.»
Françoise héritier

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