samedi 14 décembre 2019

A pledge for delivering a win win Brexit

The first international lesson of this tremendous victory of Tories in UK is probably for the European Union it’s different countries and eventually it’s people.
My understanding of the Brexit is that British people decided to leave the European union but not Europe. It is not a matter of geography as Brits know that they are in a committed continent, they know that we are in a network of very near economies but they decided to assume their own choices, decisions and policies.
Continental European people know that we are now in very durable sluggish economies. In this setting we appreciate trading with UK because we appreciate UK people. We are used to not only to trade with the UK people but also to rent houses, cars, to care for them in our hospitals when they live in continental Europe and to share with them our political visions. This was since the end of the World War II  a mutual enrichment. It is your duty to allow that it lasts.
This is possible this is not probable if the precedent game will be played again.

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