mardi 25 août 2015

Is drawing lots for student selection an evidence based mechanism? Is it fair for numerus clausus?

How does drawing lots work?

Drawing lots in a nutshell
For some degree programmes in the Netherlands, more students apply than there are places available. In such cases, students are selected by drawing lots. There are 3 ways to be admitted to a lottery-based degree programme:
  1. central selection
  2. decentralised selection
  3. direct placement
During the selection procedure, you will be assigned to a category based on the average grade of your qualifications.

Central selection

If the expected number of applications for a degree programme is higher than the number of places available, a degree programme lottery is arranged. This only applies to university degree programmes.
If the expected number of applications for a degree programme at a specific educational institution is higher than the number of places available at that institution, an educational institution lottery is arranged. This applies to both universities and universities of applied sciences

Decentralised selection

Educational institutions may select prospective students for a percentage of the places available at their institution. This decentralised selection process forms part of the central selection procedure.

Direct placement

If your qualifications are comparable to an average of 8.0 or higher in the Dutch secondary school system, you will be directly allocated to your 1st choice degree programme and educational institution. Only candidates with European qualifications or an International Baccalaureate will be considered for direct placement.

Category A or C

Applicants with a non-Dutch diploma will be assigned to either category A or C.

Candidates who have or expect to achieve a European secondary education certificate or an International Baccalaureate may also qualify for direct placement (category A) to an educational institution in the Netherlands. One condition is that candidates must be able to demonstrate that the final results from their native country are comparable to an average of 8.0 or higher in the Netherlands. Research has shown that (estimated) every year less than 4% of the Dutch vwo students pass their exams with an average of 8.0 or higher. What result foreign students have to score in order to be assigned to category A, has been based on this research. This means that as a foreign student you have to belong to the top 4% of your country to be considered for direct placement.

If your diploma does not meet the requirements for direct placement, DUO will automatically assign you to category C. In both cases, you must meet all the requirements and submit all the requested documents on time.

List of common European diplomas

DUO has compiled a list of the most common European diplomas and International Baccalaureate diplomas, along with the average grade a candidate needs for direct placement to a programme.

So there is a drawing lot for netherland students but there is a true selection for foreigners...
France 16/20 which is "mention très bien".

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