lundi 31 mai 2010

Obesity and collective illness insurance: how to fix the problem?

Increasing morbid obesity in US is a true reality and it is the same trend in Europe:
Please take note that the measurement tool is not a change in the national weight standards as skeptic people argued but the old and nonmodified BMI! in this remarkable slides you will see the story from 1995 to 2008!
So obesity is increasing and  it’s a big business primarily for industrial agriculture which is the beneficiary of giant subsidies… Healthcare comes after to repair damages.
75% of the healthcare expenditure is devoted to smoking, junk food and lack of exercise.
So the main question remains:
How to deal with an illnesscare system ( I use this neologism to stress the difference with health which is a capital of well being) which is completely mutualised (in Europe and now in US) and these facts about people behaviours? Collective mandatory funding of healthcare is a strong incentive for a huge moral hasard as people believes that taking risks will be compensated by collective insurance that they pay only according to their income!

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