mardi 7 juin 2022

Climate change

Climate change appears as irreversible in the present state of knowledge and tech capacity to extract CO2 from the earth's atmosphere.

(10 August 2021) "Climate change is irreversible." This was perhaps the most significant conclusion of the most recent report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The report, a product of the combined efforts of 234 scientists from 66 countries, projects that in the coming decades climate changes will increase in all regions of the globe, with increasing heat waves, longer warm seasons, and shorter cold seasons.

Other key findings from the IPCC report:

  • Sea level will continue to rise, and the likelihood of crossing the global temperature increase level of 1.5°C (relative to the preindustrial period, approximated by the period 1850-1900) in the next few decades is very high.
  • The observed warming is driven by emissions from human activities. Based on improved observational datasets to assess historical warming, as well progress in scientific understanding of the response of the climate system to human-caused greenhouse gas emissions, the IPCC estimates that human activities are responsible for 95% of observed global warming.


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