vendredi 13 mai 2022

Le pardon et la réparation

 Lévitique 16,30 : En ce jour Dieu vous accordera le pardon afin de vous purifier

Tikkoun olam

"The concept of tikkun olam is revolutionary in the history of religion. It defines faith in dual terms: just as people are to have faith in God, God has faith in people. We are to offer God devotion; God in turn provides us with dignity. Progress is the purpose of the covenant between the Creator and those entrusted with the task of emulating the Divine. History is the story of humanity’s struggle to fulfill the obligations imposed upon us, as part of the divine partnership. Tikkun olam demands that we not accept the world as it is, but rather that we view it as it might become. That remains still an unfinished task. Yet our glory is the extent to which we help to narrow the gap between the world as it is, in its actuality, and the world as it might become, its potential."

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