dimanche 5 avril 2020

French people and the mythical belief of infallibility

From a dear friend:
"...A few words about the anthropology of France.
Like some remote Bedouin tribes, France is a pure face-saving and accusatory society. It is socially unacceptable to admit to a mistake and, if something goes wrong, an external culprit must be designated.
Thus "we don't have enough masks" simply cannot be said. It becomes "masks are useless and those who ask for them are irresponsible". "We don't have enough tests" becomes "Tests are useless and we don't believe the German figures". "We acted too late" becomes "Those who say we acted too late threaten national unity". Etc, etc.
However - and just like in other primitive groups - this anthropological constraint on language also creates an interesting freedom. Language is entirely free of any obligation linked to logic or internal consistency. While "we are facing a shortage of our own making" cannot be said, "masks are useless, we are efficiently ordering billions of them and you will be punished if you don't wear them" is not problematic at all..."
Statism is a consubstantial disease of collectivism.

Authority argument is still very strong in France
"Je suis un vieux médecin avec plein de titres. Je suis rythmologue et j'ai enseigné entre autres dans cette discipline de la cardiologie, j'ai été conseil dans l'industrie de 1968 à 1990,environ...j'ai connu à ce titre les études ouvertes et les études contrôlées... Il est tout à fait clair que les études contrôlées sont plus scientifiques, cela dit il ne faut pas jeter le bébé avec l'eau du bain..."
Instead of developing a rational approach of this choice: doing the least biased clinical trials...

"Didier Raoult mérite tout le soutien des vrais libéraux parce que dès le départ il s'est opposé au confinement global. La chloroquine est un détail pour moi, c'est cette position pour la liberté qui compte vraiment !
Une personne qui soutient le confinement global est pour moi ennemie de la liberté."
The art of confusion, a stupid approach of rationality.

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