mardi 7 janvier 2020

Immigration, culture, nurture and genomics: the evidence of Asian moderately higher IQ in school successes

Progressivists will explain to you that it is the noodle soup effect with black mushrooms... And they will immediately ask for negative discrimination. Reality is unbearable.

These descriptive statistics have NOTHING new.

It is important to remember, in non-Bourdieusian countries, this kind of descriptive stats are commonplace! There is no blank slate, there is no academic success out of nothing and built by the omnipotence of national education and therefore of state constructivism. We will have to get used to it and in this country addicted to Marxism mixed with postmodernism, it will take at least a generation. Indeed what serves as intelligentsia in France, the union of state sociologists, who reigns and excommunicates any deviant thought in national education, at the CNRS and in (almost) all universities and the majority of the media, this union denies these facts.
It does not matter to them that the results of scientific studies invalidate their theory which boils down to: "the socio-economic environment determines EVERYTHING", academic success, crime, income, life expectancy, happiness. ALL.

The second aspect is that of solutions. Assuming we can get rid of this ideology, how do we get out of this tunnel of failure for a number of students? Basically male Africans from the Maghreb and Saharan Africa. This is where the scientific approach brings solutions.

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