lundi 5 août 2019

Les analphabètes du bouleversement des sciences

"Les analphabètes du 21ème siècle, ne seront pas ceux, qui ne savent ni lire, ni écrire.

Ce seront ceux, qui ne savent pas apprendre, désapprendre, et réapprendre."

Alvin Toffler

Tomorrow's illiterate will not be the man who can't read; he will be the man who has not learned how to learn.
Psychologist Herbert Gerjuoy as quoted by Alvin Toffler in Future Shock (1970), ch. 18

It is right:

"Psychologist Herbert Gerjuoy of the Human Resources Research Organization phrases it simply: "The new education must teach the individual how to classify and reclassify information, how to evaluate its veracity, how to change categories when necessary, how to move from the concrete to the abstract and back, how to look at problems from a new direction—how to teach himself. Tomorrow's illiterate will not be the man who can't read; he will be the man who has not learned how to learn."

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