jeudi 4 juillet 2019

Less free market advocate than Gerhard Schroeder or the German SPD: LR is a french statist party with no future

In english:
"The defeat of the right in the Europeans is overwhelming. To reduce it to a question of a person is absurd, it results from an illegible economic line. Out of 100 Fillon 2017 voters, 33 voted LR, 32 LREM and 20 RN. Among the motivations, those who chose LR and LREM attach the same importance (85%) to economic freedoms and lower taxes. Why then one in two voters sharing this concern chose LREM?

The answer lies in history and current events. The story is the feeling that the right has often disappointed: maintaining the 35 hours or no suppression of the ISF. The news is the flirtation of part of the right with neo-Keynesianism or colbertism. How, being attached to a free economy and the productivity of the companies, not to be bumped by ideas never endorsed by our political family: increase of the smic of 20%, signature with the melenchonists of a RIP hostile to the privatization of ADP, complacency with yellow vests?

The mother of all reforms is the decline in public spending. In a country where it reaches 56%, talking about ultraliberal drift is a buffoonery. Only a solid drop in spending - 100 billion in the next ten years - can put the country back on track. To be socially acceptable, this policy must be accompanied by tax cuts and perceptible charges on the payroll. Initially, purchasing power will be a priority; deleveraging can only come later.

This means redefining the role and scope of the state, pushing up the retirement age, removing the thresholds that penalize the transformation of SMEs into mid-cap companies, improving the tax on business successions, reforming the Labor Code or eliminating production taxes. Faced with the housing shortage, the IFI must be abolished, even if it means turning it into an IFI deductible 100% on the works. Let's take a break with LREM: we respect what is deserved and what is inherited - delayed merit - and consider that family businesses have a role to play in the country's prosperity.

Freedom. France must be a nation of start-ups and unicorns but must go beyond the start-up nation that carries the concept of a clean slate. We must become the party of all entrepreneurs who create wealth. From the auto-entrepreneur to the boss of the CAC40, from the craftsman to the geek, all have in common to count and know that it is not possible, except productive investment, to spend more than the turnover does not allows.

It is a triple requirement: social because it is impossible to distribute what has not been produced. Territorial, because of the distribution of the companies depends on the reduction of the territorial fracture. Environmental, because it is through innovation that will emerge technological solutions reconciling growth and respect for the planet. This supply policy carries with it the value of work and the restarting of the social elevator. It's up to us to re-enchant the promises of economic freedoms."

This is complete BS. There is no vision and no understanding of the future of France. The rational basis to cut "100 billion of public expenses" is lacking because we don't know if it is too much or too few. BTW it is impossible as showed the recent history of France since 1974. 

A great free market economy.

So the only way out of this mess for France is to open health care, retirement regimes above the basic level and other monopolistic sectors, to free market mechanisms. It is easy and fast.

A great Constitution with individual warranties, free speech and healthy public finances.

The second point is to add a constitutional constraint on the public deficit and debt. It is fast and easy and it is that we signed in when we joined the EU.

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