mardi 7 mai 2019

How Testosterone improves performance in every one

Central nervous system

Since the discovery of T and the synthesis of
the first androgen, the effects of androgens on body
composition and lean body mass have been extensively
studied and described [1]. Very briefly, the
T-induced increase in skeletal muscle mass is associated
with hypertrophy of both type I and type II
fibers as well as an increase in the number of myonuclei
and satellite cells. T promotes the differentiation
of mesenchymal multipotent cells into the
myogenic lineage and inhibits their differentiation
into the adipogenic lineage. T reduces fat mass by
inhibiting preadipocyte differentiation into adipocytes.
This hormone also increases muscle protein
synthesis and improves the reutilization of amino
acids by the muscle.
T alters neurotransmission at the neuromuscular
junction through a modulation of the choline
acetyltransferase [18], and also influences the
number of acetylcholine receptors at the neuromuscular
junction [19].

When addressing the issue of the
ergogenic effects of androgens, the erythropoietic
effects of these hormones or drugs are often neglected.
One should, however, remember that androgens
were largely used in patient with chronic renal
failure or bone marrow failure, before the availability
of synthetic erythropoietin (EPO). Moreover,
increased oxygen-carrying capacity is associated
with greater success rate in sports where the performance
significantly relies on oxidative metabolisms.
Although not fully understood, it is likely
that the erythropoietic effect of androgens relies on
several explanations; stimulation of the renal
secretion of EPO through unknown mechanisms,
suppression of hepcidin levels, increase in iron utilization
for erythropoiesis, and induction of a rightward
shift in the EPO–hemoglobins relationship
curve. This last point is of particular importance
when the sex-related difference in hemoglobins is
considered. Indeed, men and women have similar
EPO reference ranges, but different hemoglobins
concentrations. Hence, an increased T concentration
(endogenous or exogenous) in some female
athletes could set a new equilibrium point on the
EPO-hemoglobins curve, attesting to an increased
EPO sensitivity [20]. In both genders, androgens
increase 2,3-diphosphoglycerate in erythrocytes
which decreases the hemoglobins-oxygen affinity,
thereby facilitating of oxygen release and delivery to
the tissues [21]. Recently, Karunasena et al. [22&]
demonstrated that androgen levels in women with
congenital adrenal hyperplasia are positively associated
with hemoglobins and hematocrit levels.
According to their calculated linear regressions,
increasing circulating T level from 1.5 to 15 nmol/
L, by manipulating the glucocorticosteroid treatment,
would result in an 11 g/L increase in hemoglobins
concentration. A hemoglobins increase of a
similar magnitude, associated with a 3% improvement
in 10km running performance, has been
reported 4 weeks after administration of 50 IU/kg
body mass of recombinant EPO [23].

Central Nervous System. 
Last but not least, androgens also exert their performance-enhancing effects through the central nervous system. At the
spinal cord level, there is growing evidence, mostly
fromanimal studies, that T, like IGF-1, influences the
form and function of the motoric system in humans
[24]. These reported increased cell excitability, attenuated
atrophic changes, and improved regenerative
capacity of motor neurons, which could also account
for the observed improvement in muscle growth and
strength following androgens administration. At
the brain level, sex differences have been observed
regarding cognitive abilities, regional brain structures,
and functions. There are also sex differences
in spatial abilities as measured with the mental
rotation task (MRT), where males have an advantage
over females. This difference, which is found across
the entire life span, is of critical importance since the
performance at theMRTis associated with the type of
sports practiced and the level of expertise. In a recent
study, including nonathletes, orienteers, gymnasts,
and endurance runners, Schmidt et al. [25], while
confirming the known gender difference [26],
showed that athletes outperformed nonathletes at
the MRT. Interestingly, athletes with high mental
rotation demand like gymnasts (egocentric transformation)
and orienteers (allocentric transformation)
showed the best results at the MRT.
Recently, a step has been taken in understanding
the sexual differentiation of visuospatial neural activation.
By using functional MRI assessment, two
research groups [27&,28] showed a female-like activation
pattern in mental rotation-related brain areas
in individuals with complete androgen insensitivity
syndrome, indicating that the sexual differentiation
of visuospatial neural activation is not directly influenced
by sex chromosomal composition, but is determined
by androgens rather than estrogens exposure.
Whilst it appears that long lasting androgens
exposure during childhood or adulthood improves
spatial abilities, as seen for instance in congenital
adrenal hyperplasia female patients [29], the possible
facilitating effect of shorter exposure to androgens is
still investigated in females [30].
Aggressive behavior and risk taking, which are
important determinants of sports performance, are
more frequent in individuals exposed to androgens.A
recent study [31&] investigated the structural covariance,
that is, the examination of anatomic correlations
between the amygdala (a brain area related
to augmented aggressive behavior when stimulated)
and the prefrontal cortex (a regulating area); two
brain areas with the highest density in androgen
receptors. Experiments showed that lower T levels
were associated with a positive covariance between
the amygdala and cortical thickness of this prefrontal
region,whereas higher T levels were associated with a
negative correlationbetweenthese tworegions resulting
inmore aggressive behavior. This work shows how
T targets the neural circuits regulating affects and
impulses independent from sex, age, estradiol, and
pubertal stage, from childhood to adulthood.

Volume 24  Number 3  June 2017
Copyright © 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

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