mardi 30 avril 2019

Plain and mainstream anti zionism in the heart of the big apple: NYT and the florilege of the hated tandem

After its significant cartoon on Zionism, the New York Times would like to train us in the arcane of its decision-making process to find the track of an error. Instead of discussing the political scope and meaning that this caricature conveys and means on behalf of the NYT.
It is not an error and still less an error of judgement it is a shame.
And this poor tactic does have a name: "Charge the lampists"

One thing is true, Bibi is fast...

Other explanations
1/ it is a good business opportunity because of the rising number of anti-zionist and antisemites in NYC
2/ it is a good kick in the presidential campaign war of 2020 in favour of Biden
3/ it is a matter of "intuitu personae" hate because the two men are politically and economically successful; a blow to the leftist candidates in the two respective countries
4/ it is just the testament of a quite white supremacist
5/ it is an old tactic in order to come afterwards and put stances which will be less offensive but will appear tolerable
6/ combinations of the precedent explanations

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What is the Israeli journal?

Branco's version

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Totalitarian convergence

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Jews are resilient

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