mercredi 16 janvier 2019

Your digital twin will enable to prevent diseases

"Artificial intelligence can even be programmed to say hello, ask about symptoms, and provide comforting words. The computer would be very thorough and can be programmed to be very empathetic. Arguably, some patients might not even notice the absence of a human presence or miss it.

Fortunately, that day has not yet arrived.

However, if you are a physician who robotically moves through their daily routine with minimal patient interaction and with a heavy reliance on ordering and treating biomarkers, you are only one step away from making yourself obsolete. In ten years from now, who will need you?

Remember that your humanity is the only part of the interaction that the patient really values.

So here is my advice to all healthcare providers: The mission of delivering healthcare is being a healer -- a uniquely human experience. If you do not want to be replaced by a computer, then you should stop acting as if you are following a programmed algorithm.

Think about that the next time you order your next routine biomarker."

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Votre jumeau numérique permettra de vous soigner bien avant que vous soyez malade

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