jeudi 13 décembre 2018

The continuous trend of alleging too much suffering at work: the case of medical residents

It was a long time since Jean Sibilia has not told to the media what he is thinking about residents and interns. And it is stunning:
"Au-delà des mesures, Jean Sibilia estime qu’une amélioration des conditions de travail des internes ne sera possible qu’avec une refonte de l’hôpital. «La souffrance des internes est un baromètre du système de santé qui souffre dans son ensemble. Si le système souffrait moins, on aurait déjà fait une bonne partie du travail.»"

"Beyond the measures, Jean Sibilia believes that an improvement of the working conditions of the interns will be possible only with a recasting of the hospital. "The suffering of interns is a barometer of the health system that suffers as a whole. If the system suffered less, we would have done a lot of the work already. "

It cannot be invented. And the truth is the same than for GP or medical specialists: if you don't pay you don't have a service.

1/ salaries must be at market prices
2/ supplementary hours must be paid at a higher rate

If a private business did the compensations that public hospitals do presently with residents, they will be brought to court and condemned in days. 

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