mercredi 21 novembre 2018

Targets of telemedicine in rehab

Move info instead of moving patients, it is faster, surer, cheap and pain-free.

Chest pain → CHD, EKG, enzymes
Dyspnea → PE or pulmonary oedema, blood oxygen, DDimers, proBNP
UTI → fever, pain, hemodynamic state
Sepsis → fever, hemodynamic state, CRP, Procalcitonin
Pneumonia → fever, blood oxygen, CRP, Procalcitonin 
TIA or Stroke → RMI, NVU
Limb pain → temperature, blood oxygen at the toes or fingers, plethysmography, DDimers

All is doable by TM and readmissions will be lowered if TM allows a correct approach of symptoms id est a true diagnosis and treatment

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