jeudi 22 novembre 2018

La décennie perdue

Et surtout ne pas oublier

Une politique de redistribution payée par les classes moyennes

"Here is what happens 100% of the time when a country moves to the left:
1) Taxes go up;
2) The wealth starts leaving or the rich find a way not to pay higher taxes— leads to increased dishonesty and a black market (under the table black market is 6% of the GDP in the U.S. versus double that in France (28% in Italy);
3) Since the rich pay virtually all the income taxes (the top 1% pay more of income taxes than the bottom 90% combined!), then the middle class becomes the upper class;
4) In order for the government to make up the loss of income taxes, they now raise the sales tax which affects the poor most since they spend most of their income on consumption. The sales tax in Florida is 6% while in France it is 20%!
5) People are now hating both the rich and the government which put them into such a situation but it’s a little too late now!"

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