jeudi 19 mars 2015

Hysterectomy in US versus Europe: Not so different but France hysterectomy rate is not known

In US 0,22% and 0,21% in France

"Data on hysterectomy rates in France are very inconsistent. In some literature hysterectomy rate in France is cited to be 90 / 100,000 women in the 1990s (18,80) and in 2005 (88) others report that in a survey only 2.4% of French women underwent hysterectomy (5) but I could not retrace the references. A French survey found a hysterectomy rate of 29.8 / 10,000 women aged over 15 years in 1992 in France and French authors stated in 2001 that it is difficult to ascertain the exact number of hysterectomies performed in France each year (89). According to the “Collège National des Gynécologues et Obstétriciens Francais” about 70,000 hysterectomies are performed annually in France and compared to other European countries France has the lowest rate ( France 14%, Italy 15%, UK 32%, Germany 35% Netherlands 46%) (90) but they did not publish the actual French rates and did not give references to support these numbers.
Also for other countries only overall numbers but no rates could be found, or the original publications and source of data were not available."

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