mercredi 28 mai 2014

Traitement hormonal substitutif de la ménopause: groupes à risque et pharmacogénomique

Le THS augmente le risque de cancer du sein.
Les groupes à risque et les différents THS sont mal connus.
"Specifically, it is discussed that tailored HRT may be used without strong evidence of a deleterious effect after ovarian cancer, endometrial cancer, most other gynecological cancers, bowel cancer, melanoma, a family history of breast cancer, benign breast disease, in carriers of BRACA mutations, after breast cancer if adjuvant therapy is not being used, past thromboembolism, varicose veins, fibroids and past endometriosis. Relative contraindications are existing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease and breast cancer being treated with adjuvant therapies. Consultation with other carers and written consent are recommended in all these difficult circumstances, but no condition is an absolute contraindication to HRT if potential risk is understood, if HRT is effective in symptom control and if quality of remaining life is paramount."

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