mardi 10 septembre 2013

Strikes on Syria: a simple explanation

In this crisis some european people cheers Poutine and Lavrov. Republicans are divided. Among antisionists the rumor is that Israel is behind Obama to strike Assad and BTW weaken terrorists groups.
I just don't think so. 

Israel is by far more confident in the status quo... Arab countries don't need to be struck, they are destroying themselves.

So is there a simpler and straight explanation?

Obama is not a fan of Israel but on the other hand he is a fan of "progressism" like Hollande, BHL and also Sarkozy. In their perspective an Islamist fighting Assad is a progress!  It is a pity that these guys don't look at the tragic reality: arab spring is indeed a terrific glaciation. 
On the other hand Obama need to revamp his own figure and send weapons to Republicans who don't accept to free the debt ceiling and celebrate Obamacare.
In this setting Obama wants to justify his NP and to build his stature for history. For doing this a war based on moral arguments would have been perfect and in keeping with all these liberals in Washington as in Paris. More it would have not look like a Bushian metamorphose.

A snag derailed this magnificent dream.

He hadn't the balls to go alone with his french caniche and now it's too late.

In the same topic I don't share the European enthusiasm for Putin and Assad. Assad should have been struck ASAP when the proofs of neurotoxic gas bomb accumulation were obtained by the west as Iran with uranium and atomic bomb.
Too late is criminal. The recent days were full evidence of this terrific misconduct of UNO, NATO, US and Europe.

When Israel will establish a threat it will strike by itself as usual, without warning nor Obama's approval.

Just my opinion.

1 commentaire:

  1. You forget the qatar liquid gas pipeline which should cross Syria to reach the med sea....
